From the course: Maya 2023 Essential Training

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Combine and Separate

Combine and Separate

- [Instructor] When we model objects, sometimes we'll get multiple surfaces, and sometimes you'll want to combine those surfaces so you have a single object. And we can do this in Maya using combine and separate for polygonal objects. So let's take a look at this. So I've got this blimp, and you can see this blimp has all sorts of different objects. So I've got the blimp body, I've got different objects for the tail, that little dock in the front as well as the gondola and the windows. Now let's say I wanted to simplify this a little bit. So I'm going to go ahead and just marquee select the gondola and the windows. And then if I'm in my modeling menu set, I can go over to mesh, combine. And when I do that, watch what happens. The original gondola and windows kind of go away. They become references. And then I've got this other object here, and that's called windows because that was the last object I selected. And…
