From the course: macOS for IT Administrators

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Use ARD or VNC to admin a Mac

Use ARD or VNC to admin a Mac - Mac OS Tutorial

From the course: macOS for IT Administrators

Use ARD or VNC to admin a Mac

- [Instructor] There are several ways you can remotely administer a Mac. One of which is Apple Remote Desktop, which can also use a VNC capability to do screen sharing. You could, of course, also use VNC. Let's open up Apple Remote Desktop and on another Mac, which we have here, we are going to tell it we want to control it. Because we've never addressed this Mac before, it's going to ask us for an administrator's username and password. When we click Add we get a little blue dot next to it and we go directly into controlled screen sharing. This is very very useful. What allowed us to do this is under the Apple in System Preferences. If we open up Sharing, and this is on the remote Mac, you'll notice that we have Remote Management enabled for all users. And over here under Options, you'll note that everything is checked. A really useful tip here is if you hold down your Option key on your keyboard and click the top…
