From the course: Live Sound Engineering Techniques: On Tour with Rush

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Choosing the right PA for the venue

Choosing the right PA for the venue

When you come into the building early in the morning, first thing you do is you get the sell sheet, so that you know where the people are actually sitting. Once you know where they are, then you start taking into consideration, maybe the building is askew, maybe one side has luxury boxes, one doesn't, maybe one side has a big glass wall, maybe another doesn't. If we hadn't sold well upstairs, or we didn't have anybody upstairs, we might not bring in as many speakers. So having the knowledge of what's going on in the building may make it easier in the afternoon once they start listening to the PA system, and feeling it out, and knowing what's going on. If you walk into a club, if you walk into a bar, you walk into a theater, and you want to assess where the things are that are going to cause the problems for the day. One side has a hard wall, maybe you're in a theater. One side's got a hard plaster wall, and the other side is a soft wall. Maybe you've got a bar on one side that you…
