From the course: Live Sound Engineering Techniques: On Tour with Rush

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Amplifier racks

Amplifier racks

These are custom amp racks made by Clair Global out of Lititz, Pennsylvania. They're a very efficient way to carry your amplifiers. Each amplifier frame actually has four. Amplifiers in it. So if you look at this, there is actually 12 amplifiers set in there. Each one is capable. of right at 5000 watts of power depending on how you load it down with speaker elements. Once we get it up and ready, it will be Where the speaker cables plug in. Each amp rack has to have signal sent to it in a way of an audio signal, and we also send control. We send signal down these cables. There's 14 lines in here, so we can send up to 14 different. Signals to an amp, if we need to, and we use the Ethernet for control. Since each amplifier has two system controllers in it, we use a computer to EQ, delay, inside of the module itself, so instead of having an amplifier with an external crossover The crossover's embedded in the amplifier. There'll be a longer one of these that comes from a big rack on the…
