From the course: Learning Mocha

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Feathering rotoscoped shapes

Feathering rotoscoped shapes

From the course: Learning Mocha

Feathering rotoscoped shapes

- Here's where I left off the rotoscoping on this shot. Near the torso roto layer selected, they can see the additional key frames. Now, I did add more key frames than I originally anticipated. That's because the man's right arm swings in and out of view over and over down here. So these points required more changes over the timeline, whereas other points required fewer changes. I'll play it back. (mouse clicking). Can see the points flash white when there's a key frame. And for a few minutes of work, starting to look pretty good. (mouse clicking). One thing I note about this is we use the area brush to draw the original shape. Because of that we wound up with quite a few points, whereas area brush is easy to use to quickly draw a shape. It's more difficult to update when it comes time to key frame, because there are more points to move. So it's something to think about. Can always consider using an X-plane or a…
