From the course: Learning Mocha

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Choosing track options and tracking

Choosing track options and tracking

From the course: Learning Mocha

Choosing track options and tracking

- [Instructor] We've drawn our explained shape, and now we're ready to track. Before you do that though, it'd pay to take a look at the parameters and the track module. Note that the layers are automatically named, and assigned a number. And your number may be different from mine. It's okay though, you can rename the layer anytime you want to. Double click, backspace, and then our new name. I'll call mine Box. With the layer selected, you can see the parameters and the track module. Many times these will work quite well with the default settings. However, sometimes it can pay to experiment particularly with difficult footage. And in fact, if you track, and you're not happy with the tracking result, you can change the settings, track again and override the old result. Let's take a quick look at these parameters. The first set has to do with the dimensions. The transforms are being tracked. Translation is the XY…
