From the course: InDesign: Typography Part 2

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Using white space

Using white space

- [Voiceover] In the same way as a city needs parks and open spaces, a page layout needs white space. White space isn't necessarily white, but any consciously designed open space within the document. White space can be divided into micro white space and macro white space. By micro white space I mean letter spacing, word spacing, leading, and text indents. By macro white space I mean margins which frame a page, spaces between paragraphs which enhance readability and help establish hierarchy, columns and gutters, and spaces around images and other graphic elements. I'll now turn all of those layers off. I'm gonna go to the first spread in this document. Here I have a mass of text information. On the next spread I've organized the same content into a seven-column grid. I'll press W to show my guides. I've added subheads to make the information more approachable, paragraph indents to make the text more readable, and pull quotes to add visual interest. White space tends to work best in…
