From the course: InDesign: Typography Part 2

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Using a grep style

Using a grep style

- [Voiceover] A grep style applies a character style to consistent patterns within the text, regardless of where they occur in the paragraph. To create a grep style, you specify a grep expression. That is, the text you're looking for and choose a character style to apply to it. An obvious and easy application of grep styles is for a product name or publication name that you want formatted with a specific character styling. Any time you type that combination of characters, it automatically takes on the desired appearance. Now in my text here, I have numerous mentions of Acme Products and I want all of those to be called out in a specific style. I'll come and edit my paragraph style by right-clicking on the paragraph style name, come to grep style. Click on new grep style. The character style which I have prepared that I want to apply to the text is called Acme and the text that I want to apply it to Acme Products so when I click OK we see that all instances are called out. Now this is…
