From the course: InDesign: Typography Part 1

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- [Voiceover] Let's see how we can get good-looking fractions in In Design. Firstly, let's define the different parts of a fraction. We have the numerator, the solidus, which is not the same, it's a completely different character from the regular slash and the denominator. Now, if you have OpenType fonts, then you have a whole wealth of extra options and those options have just been made easier to access in the recent version of In Design. So, I just want to point out a preference that is available in Adobe In Design CC 2015. So if I come to my preferences and to Advance Type down at the bottom here, it's these: Type Contextual Controls. And, the one's that relevant to us here is this one: Show for Fractions, so with that on, assuming that I'm working with an OpenType font with an extended character set, I can select the whole fraction and then just come down here and choose that and my standard numbers are converted to a real fraction. Alternatively, and if you don't see this option…
