From the course: InDesign: Typography Part 1

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- [Voicecover] Okay now we're getting to the really pedantic stuff, the ellipsis or dot dot dot, three dots. And it is just three, don't get carried away with the full stop or the period, that's just three dots. Depending on the style manual that you are working from, the ellipsis may be preceded by a full stop ending a sentence in which case it would be four dots, but refer to whatever style manual you're using but the ellipsis itself is just three. And the issue is, how do you space those dots? And here we have three different approaches and the first one I'm suggesting is not a good one. The first one is just to type ... Nothing more than that. And that has two problems, one is that they're too close together and two, it's unlikely but it is possible that they could be broken across the line so you'd end up with two at the end of one line and one being carried down to the next line. As an alternative we can use the Ellipsis Character. This is just one character and you get the…
