From the course: How to Research and Write Using Generative AI Tools

Using AI to view things from multiple perspectives

From the course: How to Research and Write Using Generative AI Tools

Using AI to view things from multiple perspectives

- When we're researching, it's easy to get caught up in our own perspective, our own blinkered point of view. And what happens is we end up researching the stuff that we already know, the stuff that confirms our beliefs. And that means that our research is limiting. It means that the ideas that come after this are limited to the breadth of this narrow-minded research. So we want our research to have as many perspectives as possible, which is what we are going to try and do with some Chat GPT prompts. So let me paste the first one in here. The first one here is, you are an expert in whatever topic it is that's of interest to us. Please list as many different perspectives as there are on the topic. Think about it from the point of view of lots of different audiences who have an interest in the topic. Write your response as a bullet-pointed list. Okay. And because we're doing this course right now, let's make the topic artificial intelligence. Sometimes it takes Chat GPT a little bit of time to respond, so let's wait. (upbeat music) Okay, so it's done not too bad a job there, but I think it's missed off some quite important audiences. So I'm going to ask it. Can you also include the audiences, I think education is an important one. Education, religion, and economic. Interesting. So it's also added one we didn't ask for and that's fantastic. Now the educational point of view, one thing to note is that it's missed out on the current arguments, the current debate that's happening about education and AI. And instead, all it's focusing on is educating people about AI, including AI within curriculums, using AI to help people learn more, which is right it's what we should be looking at. But that's not the discussion that's happening right now. So we also need to add our own opinions, our own thoughts into this, rather than just take whatever the tool gives us and expect that to be everything complete. So there's another way of us looking at this. Something that I like to do is, I like to use this to try and identify different audiences. So that's been looking at perspectives, now we're going to look at audiences and what their motivations are. So let's have a look here. Our prompt now is please list the different people who have an interest in some topic, along with a summary of their perspectives and an understanding of their motivations. Write your response as a table with the columns audience, perspective, and motivation. I just want to get you to understand that we can do stuff as tables. Tables are really lovely ways of organizing information. So let's see what it does here. The topic that we will choose will be cheese. So let's see what it does here. Okay, so it's given us seven audiences there. I want to push it a bit. So what I'm going to do is ask, can you please repeat that with 12 audiences? And by asking it to create more audiences what we're going to do is focus it on filling those gaps with maybe some more unusual audiences. So let's have a look at what it comes up with. Okay, now it's come up with some quite unusual audiences here, cheese historians. If you are a cheese historian, please get in touch. I'm fascinated with what it is that you do. Or how about a cheese activist? How many cheese activists are there? I'm sure there's some, but I don't know of any cheese movements that require activism. So what we're doing here is we're having a look at as many different audiences we can. We're looking at their perspective when it comes to cheese, and we're looking at their motivations, and it's really their motivations that give us some kind of power, some kind of insight to know how we can deal with them and how we can do something that might be of value to that particular niche, that particular audience. Now, the more perspectives that we can see a problem from, the more opportunity we have to come up with fantastic solutions. So please don't limit your thinking at the beginning. You've got to think broad.
