From the course: Houdini Essential Training

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Shelf Tools

Shelf Tools

- [Instructor] Houdini has quite a number of shelves, as you can see, at the top of the screen here. We have all these different tabs for all sorts of different nodes and things we can add into our scene. Some of these are as simple as, for example, adding a box into the scene. Let's just do it. I'll click on box. You can see it's asking for a place to drop it down. I'm going to click on the screen, and all of a sudden, we have a box in our scene, and we see we have a box object over here. I'm going to hit the P key within our scene network view over here, and you can see that, and then we have the coordinates that we laid that box down at. Just going to zero these out, and I'll scale it up and say five, so there we go. Now we've got a box. We have our manipulator by default on the screen for this. I'm actually just going to click on this cursor icon here to get rid of that manipulator, and I'll rotate this 45 degrees so that we have that. Okay, so we see how we can just use a simple…
