From the course: Houdini Essential Training

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Refining dynamics network

Refining dynamics network - Houdini Tutorial

From the course: Houdini Essential Training

Refining dynamics network

- [Instructor] Now that we've got the basics of our simulation set up now we're going to start to tweak some of the parameters. First off we're going to take a quick peek at the constraint network that had gotten created in our wall nodes so I'm going to go inside there and we don't need to do anything with any of these nodes that are in here. I'm just going to explain what this is. Basically this constraint network gets automatically created when we use this RBD glued object shelf tool. Basically what it does, here I'm going to click on the display node here, click escape in the viewport and go in, home this up, okay so you can see it's created these little lines that are connecting our objects and what these are are these are constraints that we can use to help hold objects together so they only break apart when a certain amount of force has been applied because imagine we're breaking through a surface, if we're breaking through right here we don't want this force to propagate to…
