From the course: Houdini Essential Training

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- [Instructor] In addition to the Mantra node in Houdini there's a number of other render operators that allow us to render different kinds of imagery or actually render out geometry as well. And in this video I'm going to show you how we use the OpenGL Render Operator, so let's go to the Output context, we've got our default Mantra_ipr node, I'm going to type TAB, open, and lay down an OpenGL node. And just like we did before, I'm going to name it CH_04 and this time we're 08, and make sure there's a space there, okay, and let me hit P and we'll get our parameters for OpenGL node. And there's some of the things in here that are similar to a Mantra node and of course some things that are specific to an OpenGL renderer. I like to think of this kind of as an upgraded Flipbook node so instead of flipbooking just whatever settings we have in the Viewport we can customize those and change those within the node. And again, we can have different ones with different settings for different…
