From the course: Houdini Essential Training

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Geometry spreadsheet

Geometry spreadsheet

- [Tutor] The geometry spreadsheet is something you'll be using a lot in Houdini to be able to visualize, analyze, and debug all sorts of information about what's going on with your geometry. So I'm going to go over to my Training Room sub-network here. Again go into that with the I key and then go into the room. So we just have our room here and now you see in our various tabs that were up here by default, we have our Geometry Spreadsheet. So if we go into, the first thing to look at is up here on the left top of this where we can look at points, the vertexes, primitives, and the actual detail attributes. So there's four different classes of attributes we're going to be able to view in here, and mainly we're just worried about the first three; we're worried about points, verts, and primitives. So what this does for example right now is we're looking at every point, we're looking at its position and space, and you can see there's also this up-factor broken down into X, Y, and Z, and…
