From the course: Houdini Essential Training

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Apply copy stamp channels

Apply copy stamp channels - Houdini Tutorial

From the course: Houdini Essential Training

Apply copy stamp channels

- So we've created all these different copy, stamps, channels, to take a look at how to even expand our ability to create variations of procedural animation data. And now I'm going to show you how we can apply this to multiple objects here. So this is going to start to combine some of the different techniques we've looked at before. So I'm going to go into our model object. And actually let's turn off the room, hit escape to go into view mode, h to home our view here. Make sure we're looking at this output and then here we go. Alright so you can see, just like before, when we kind of created a box and created some points out of that, and just copied the rings and now we're using the hand animation that we had done before. And we're watching all of these rings just animate together. This is also a good illustration of the value of packing this geometry, because if I middle mouse click on this transform node you can see that we've got 3,408 polygons on these rings. More than we would…
