From the course: Driving Digital Transformation with Generative AI and Predictive AI Technologies

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How predictive AI can help optimize a digital business

How predictive AI can help optimize a digital business

One of the primary goals of carrying out a digital transformation that we covered in chapter one was to improve organizational agility and efficiency. This can only be accomplished by better optimizing how the business runs. Let's take a closer look. The primary means by which a predictive AI system can assist an organization in becoming more lean and efficient is by revamping how it operates. We accomplish this by analyzing historical and current operational activity data to identify bottlenecks, problem areas, and tasks that can be further improved. All in an effort to make the business run faster, more reliably, and more competitively. This not only results in workflow optimizations, it also leads to the identification of new technology innovations that need to be introduced to improve and increase the extent of automation. These analyses can also be viewed as a planning activity, as their results are crucial to determining the scope of a digital transformation and to the success…
