From the course: Driving Digital Transformation with Generative AI and Predictive AI Technologies

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How generative AI can help plan a digital transformation

How generative AI can help plan a digital transformation

Digital transformation would not be possible without a set of technology innovations that, when successfully applied, perform the actual transformation of a business into a genuine digital business. Adopting new technologies to improve a business is nothing new. What makes doing this as part of a digital transformation so significant is how these technologies can be combined to elevate a business into an effective competitor in the modern digital landscape. Let's take a quick look at some of the key areas where organizations have been motivated to adopt new digital technology innovations. In the era of AI and data science, there is perhaps no driver as prominent as the need for the effective collection and utilization of diverse data. This can be data for analytical purposes or data to help us create new content. For example, we may collect data to better help us understand customer profiles, activity and trends. Or we might collect data to help us generate new marketing content to…
