From the course: Character Animation: Dialogue

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Final touches

Final touches

>> At this point we have the basic acting and dialogue in place. Now, this really is just a first pass. Animation itself is really a layer by layer process. You need to go back and forth over your animation and really finesse it. Now, we don't have time to do that here, but I'm just going to go over this one more time, and just do one more pass to help clean it up a little bit. And do the same with your animation, but do it multiple times, make sure you get it exactly the way that you want. So let's go ahead and play what we have. >> Oh, I don't know. Will there be pie? >> So, the first thing I want to do is just give a little bit more asymmetry to her face. Now, if you'll notice here, that once we go into these poses, they're pretty symmetrical. So, I'm going to take some of these poses, such as this one and just kind of move that mouth over just a little bit. Just doing that, going from there to there, gives it just a little bit more character. So, now she's going. >> Oh, oh, oh. >>…
