From the course: Character Animation: Dialogue

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Animating lip sync

Animating lip sync

So now it's time to actually animate the dialogue or the lip sync of the character. Now before we did this we actually animated a lot of the character. We animated the body, we animated some facial expression. And we have this. >> Oh, I don't know. Will there be pie? >> So this actually gives us a lot of acting without any lip sync. So this gives you a clue as to how important the body and the rest of the character is in addition to the mouth. You can animate the best lip sync in the world, but if the character is not acting it, the audience won't believe it. So now that we've got some of the acting done, let's go ahead and do some dialogue. So first thing I want to do is just start reading the track and just start working my way through. So I just typically just scrub the animation. Figure out what it needs to be done, in terms of mouth shapes, and just kind of move forward from there. So the first mouth shape is here, it starts off with oh. >> Oh. >> So it starts right around here…
