From the course: Canva for Web and Digital Design Projects

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Getting help

Getting help

- [Instructor] When you need help with something in the Canva app, there are a few places you can get help from. You can access help anywhere that you see the question mark. Notice here in the web app that it's in the lower right corner. If we go ahead and select it, you have a prompt here letting you know that Help has been updated, it is now an AI-powered assistant that can help you with so many things, how to do something, to get some ideas about a design, and more. Earlier in this course, we created a Brand Kit. Let's see what this assistant can provide in regards to our Brand Kit. So we'll ask, "How can I create a Brand Kit?" Notice that you can type it in or you can also use your microphone to speak the question that you have for the assistant. Let's send it. And here's the response coming back and it is step-by-step instructions. It explains a little bit about what a Brand Kit is, and then it walks you through the process of how you can set up your own Brand Kit. Let's go ahead…
