From the course: Angular: Testing and Debugging

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Basic Protractor configuration

Basic Protractor configuration - Angular Tutorial

From the course: Angular: Testing and Debugging

Basic Protractor configuration

- [Instructor] Protractor is Angular's official end-to-end testing framework. The Angular team made Protractor specifically for Angular apps, with full support for how Angular compiles these apps and generates DOM structures. Angular includes Protractor by default when you generate new projects using the CLI tool and it configures most of the settings for you so you can start testing your code right away. This is Protractor's config file. It's located in the top level e-to-e folder under the name protractor.comf.js. We're going to take a quick look at the default configuration, but I recommend you dive into Angular's GitHub repo for a full breakdown of all your configuration options. Just click the link at the top of the config file. The first thing Angular does is import the SpecReporter and Stacktrace option classes. Protractor uses these classes to enhance it's reporting feedback. Next, we have this comment block where Angular imports the config object from the Protractor…
