From the course: 3ds Max: Character Rigging

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Skinning the head

Skinning the head

Now that we have the jaw bone in place and our skin modifier applied, it's time to refine the skinning of our character. Now, I just want to focus on the head geometry, so I am going to hide everything else that I don't want. So, I am going to select the body, the hair, the eyebrows, the eyes, and then just hide selection. So, all I want to do is just focus on that head. So, let's go ahead and set up an animation, so that we can see the deformation. So I'm going to select my head control, set a key for that, turn on autokey. Let's go ahead and tilt the head forward and then I'm going to basically reset this, and tilt the head to the left and to the right. And then let's bring it back to center, here. So now we've got this kind of head going back and forth and then I also want to animate the jaw. So we're going to select that jaw, set a key for zero here at sixteen, open up. And then I'll just copy that key as well, so now, we've got the jaw opening and the head moving. And you can see…
