Verify your phone number on LinkedIn

Last updated: 6 months ago

When you sign up for LinkedIn, you may be asked to provide your phone number as a way to verify your account. You may also add a phone number after an account is created to further help LinkedIn keep your account safe.

How to verify your phone number:

  1. Add your mobile phone number to your account through your account settings.
  2. Confirm your phone number by entering a verification code sent to your mobile device via SMS (text message).
  3. Once you confirm your phone number, the phone number used to verify the account will not be visible by default. You can separately choose to display it in the Contact Info section of your profile.

Subject to your settings, you may also use the confirmed phone number to enable two-step authentication for added account security or to reset your password. 

Note: If you previously confirmed a phone number for your account, you don’t need to re-confirm it for the verification by phone badge to be displayed on your profile.

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