Angelyne (TV Mini Series 2022) Poster


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Instagram before Instagram
jmcauley-123 May 2022
Some of you are missing the point. Angelyne was Instagram before Instagram. Her narcissism, shallowness, and vapidness are the point. I met Angelyne in West Hollywood and she was just like this. Would only take a photo if I bought a signed magazine out the back of her famous pink Corvette.
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Very well done biopic...
blues998120 May 2022
Not 100% accurate, but a very well done piece of fiction mixed with non-fiction and Emmy is a very good actress. The guy who played Scott Hennig aka "Rick Krause" was exceptional and nailed his persona as well as the guy who played Hugo. It's a television show, so yeah, it's not all accurate. I worked with her for many years so I know. But it was very well done. End, full stop.
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Famous before fame for nothing was cool
redinnevada30 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Angelyne was iconic. Is iconic. And I say that without even liking her. She created the whole celebutante world without the internet. She made it possible for the Kardashians to BE "The Kardashians".

It was difficult at times to like or keep watching since the narcissism was so over the top and I don't think this show exaggerated this aspect of her. I think they nailed it.

Emmy Rossum was FANTASTIC in this. But she always is...she's just a great actress across the board. The cinematography was beautiful at times. Painting views I'd like to use as a screensaver. Especially the crystal pyramid with the glittering scrub-brush and Mars atmosphere. Just wow!

And I gotta give credit to the true personality of Rachel Goldman...she evolved in unbelievable ways to become Angelyne. Her guru, hare krishnic, yoga-meditating meanderings were decades ahead of a lot of beliefs (make your life happen by keeping only positive vibes) we see all over now. Again, without the internet.

I think that's the biggest story here..she tapped into a world-wide web consciousness before it even existed. Somehow. Then made others believe and support her in it. Even though she didn't DO anything, people just went for the ride. That's even more amazing than the Kardashians. They DO things to sustain their celebrity status. They'd fade away without the internet to keep them going. Angelyne only used billboards.

In the end I thought her story was fascinating even though I didn't really like HER.
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Emmy Awesome!
dogonlion28 July 2023
I think people rated this show poorly because they don't like the fact that Angelyne had no reason for being famous and they think there shouldn't be a show on her. They're not rating the quality of the series which is undeniably good. I had never even heard of Angelyne but no matter what one thinks of her, she did succeed in becoming somewhat famous which is what inspired the series. That's a fact. So please don't shoot the messenger. Those who contributed in making her famous, fans who appreciate people with no talent just because of breast implants are to blame. What is so amazing though, is Emmy Rossum's performance. WOW. Too bad she won't get an Emmy award for all the wrong reasons. She's super talented, beautiful and nailed this role. The only thing I didn't care for is all the dreamy stuff, cars flying over the city etc. Overall it's very entertaining and if people can get over the real life subject and just enjoy the show, anybody should be able to enjoy this.
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fifteen minutes
SnoopyStyle30 June 2022
During the 80's, a bunch of striking billboards suddenly appear out of nowhere in L. A. It's a mystery blonde bombshell with the name Angelyne (Emmy Rossum). It's self-manufactured fame before the era of going viral.

My only connection to the original Angelyne is seeing her image during the opening credits to Moonlighting. I may have seen her or her image in other movies and such. She's like the giant ball of yarn outside some random small town. It seems like a local phenomenon and limited material for a show. There is some interesting origins stuff and there is a great scene with Hef. Her back story isn't that compelling and it's not sold as that dramatic. Angelyne had her fifteen minutes and more. It may be more than enough.
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Hidden honesty, the mind's effort to explore !
MoalefSajad3 January 2023
At first, the character "Emmy Rossum" is extremely attractive and deeply immersed in his role, which is a sign of his right choice. This small series puts you and your mind in an illusory space with the question: which narrator is telling the truth and which one is hiding it. At the same time, the path and the main story are being followed...

The guy who played Scott Hennig aka "Rick Krause" was exceptional and nailed his persona as well as the guy who played Hugo. It's a television show, so yeah, it's not all accurate.

It was very well done.

Angeline's lovely personality and her vision of the world around her, along with instructive points in our lives, are admirable.
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"I'm not a woman, I'm an icon"
bosporan19 May 2022
A nonlinear mocumentary style drama devoid of content. It is poster-pop stylish and has an intriguing premise, beyond that though it is vacuous and vapid with nothing other than a blonde-bombshell Barbie to grab the attention.

As a single character study, Emmy Rossum presents Angelyne well as a driven woman with ambition and the purpose to be famous for being famous. Sadly there is nothing beyond this singular eponymous character to recommend this.
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It is what it is
nikkigassner21 May 2022
Look, it's a show about a woman who craved fame- that's the show. Some of these reviews are unreliable as they clearly haven't watched it. It mentions the Kardashians once in the very first few lines. Simply drawing a parallel of women who wanted to be famous. But this show is about the journey of a woman who wanted to live in a fantasy land; to cover flaws with glitter. It's campy, wild, and partially true (mockumentary stlye). You either like it or you don't, but I can't imagine giving a 1 star rating just because you think it's 'stupid'. The acting is great, the editing, costumes, sets--are all great--definitley not 1 star worthy. This is camp. It's meant to be like this, Angelyne was an icon in her own right. She wasn't trying to save the world or anything, but she wanted the glitz and the glam. Angelyne was a character and this show captured that. Emmie Rossum, Martin Freeman, and the whole cast really deliver. Give it a try if you're into a story like this.
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An Unlikeable Narcissist
asc856 July 2022
The series is quirky, and has its wacky moments. The problem I had with it is that Angelyne is a very unlikeable person/character in this series. Just about all of my information about Angelyne is from this series, and I'll give them the benefit of the doubt that they are being truthful, so I'll just have to say that she's an unlikeable narcissist.

I realize this was a passion project for Emmy Rossum, and reading about it, she mentioned that Angelyne was supposed to make a cameo during the series, only to back out at the very end. After watching this series, I have little doubt that what happened was they asked her to do something, she didn't want to do it, she showed zero flexibility, threatened to walk off if she didn't get what she wanted, and that's what happened, because Emmy Rossum and company weren't going to let Angelyne walk all over them.
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People Seem to Miss the Point
sirchristo7520 May 2022
Angelyne is a story about a young woman who wants to be more than life, more than just a woman but an icon. She vapid, selfish and a more than life Barbie doll living in the plastic life of Hollywood in the 80's. It's not a show for everyone as the show itself is look into the superficial empty world of Hollywood starlets, models and people in general. Angelyne although selfishly empty she does have standards and refuses to see her self short. She wants fame but and will do almost anything to obtain it.

This mocumentary on Hollywood's superficial world is hilarious. Emmy is amazing in the role and it's great seeing her bacjk front and center since she left Shameless. Love Emmy and I am enjoying this show. Molly is also great and for some strange reason IMDB as failed to include her in the credits. Which is truly insulting to Molly.

Costumes, set pieces all have a real 80's feel and one of the few shows to pull it off right.
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It's like documentary on Kardashians
agent90719 May 2022
Famouse for being famous, nothing more, sad instagram life, tiktok braindead, honestly just rewatch Idiocracy it will be better time spend than this what ever it is.
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How a young Polish Jewish immigrant became Angelyne.
TxMike5 July 2022
This is presented in five episodes on Peacock streaming. In truth one can get enough of the story by watching most of the first episode and all of the last episode, which shows the young girl who eventually became Angelyne and how that developed over her teen and young adult years. I found the last episode to be most interesting.

Like a few others today, Angelyne is best described as "famous for being famous." In truth I have no time for them, I pay no attention to them, I wish they would just go away. So I had little interest in this 5-part series starring Emmy Rossum. So I didn't watch all of it, I skipped around, until I watched all of episode 5.

In all it is very well done and from what I can find online probably very accurate. However if one is not into who Angelyne is then it could be a pretty boring series.
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I was around in the 1980s but I chose not to drink any of Angelyne's wacky Kool-Aid
Ed-Shullivan12 July 2022
Who comes up with some of these TV Mini-Series to try and resurrect a nobody who is still trying to be a somebody? This is a retro 1980s mockumentary that is as appealing as it would be today to wearing bell bottom jeans. Not Likely.

Who paid for all those billboards Angelyne? Truth is, who cares.

It may be based loosely on some semblance of a biography but there was little appeal to myself to continue watching after the second episode but I persevered through all five episodes much like one cannot take their eyes off of a bad multi car pile up. Angelyne whose real name is Ronia Tamar Goldberg, and her heritage is a Polish Jew who apparently wanted to hide her real identity and birth name and create the phony idol Angelyne, one can only imagine where she received her financing from to self-promote.

On another criticism anytime I see a film starring a second generation actor/actress I remind myself that nepotism is not the way to promote an unknown actor/actress just because they are born with a famous surname. To understand this self-imaging just look at some of the actors that star in 2021's Licorice Pizza with the surnames Hoffman and Spielberg. If you want to reflect on the 1980's with an excellent historical event film with real stars, a great music score and an entertaining plot throughout, then watch Director Quentin Tarantino's 2019 Oscar winning film "Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood" It's a true classic.

As for Angelyne there is a very good reason most Generation Y filmgoers have never heard of her, there is no story to follow folks.

I give this mini-series a dismal 3 out of 10 IMDb rating.
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I thought it was fun
smithnumber29 May 2022
I actually remember seeing Anglyne's billboards on my first trip to the USA. At the time, I thought she was not that attractive and a bit too old to be doing what she did, but here we are a few decades later and she's still at it! Good for her I say, although real-life footage of her hocking her merchandise from her trunk seems more depressing than empowering.

I liked this series. It's part biography, part sci-fi schlock but always interesting. The lead actress does a fantastic job and the aging makeup is generally great - something that typically doesn't happen. For someone so fixated on selling her physical appeal, the script goes out of its way to not portray her as a s*xual being, which is odd. She has a seemingly platonic relationship with a family man who financed a lot of her posters, which is hard to believe. She's also not that likeable, to the point where she comes across as a shameless grifter in the later episodes.

The visuals are great and the sets really do an excellent job of recreating LA in the 80s/90s. There's not a lot of story there, but maybe that's the point. Her billboards are her story.
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heck no
GSK2321 May 2022
In the 80s, she was a joke: yes, if you plaster the town with your image (despite having done anything substantial with your life), you just may end up sort of famous. You might even get on a late night chat show or two.

Beyond that, there's nothing. That's what this miniseries is: Nothing about nothing. Like Seinfeld without the talent and actual funny bits.

Hard pass.
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Loved it!
pjhouston-8322420 May 2022
I loved Angelyne! Emmy was fabulous in the role of over-the-top Angelyne. The entire cast was great. It wasn't mean spirited or ridiculing, just sweet. Angelyne was the first celebrity who was famous for being famous. Long before the obnoxious K family.

Watch it for the entertainment value and don't expect high drama. You'll probably enjoy it!
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Here we go again
More toilet paper for the brain. Fake boobs and a blonde wig is all one needs to create a shallow worthless piece of crap. Even in desperation this is hard to take.
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How does this drivel keep getting green lit?

I've never been more disappointed in the sad state of programming than I have the last few years, and if this I the best of what's to offer, I may be done watching network programming for good.
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Fun and tragic
varianf21 May 2022
The great team behind this has delivered a fantastic experience that equally fun and tragic while also being just as unique as the subject it's based on.
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a show about a useless vapid garbage person
thedude-5515722 May 2022
Good god-- save yourself from watching this stupid show. No offense to those who made it (it is well made) BUT the subject matter is just disgusting.

Apparently that is too short of a review-- why this fake celebrity ever got on one billboard let alone hundreds is ridiculous to me, SHe is not appealing in any way whatsoever. Gross human being being given some sort of spotlight when she should have never had one to begin with.

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Hollywood In The 80s
twelve-house-books20 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I lived in Hollywood in the late 80s, and her billboards were everywhere. None of us knew what to make of Angelyne, so we ignorantly relegated her to Blonde Bimbo status, snickered, and moved on with our difficult minimum-wage lives. I got through several hours of this well-done docudrama, but when the reporter started to dig and reveal the other less interesting Angelyne, I flipped the tube off and did something else. I'd still like to meet her. Super smart lady!
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Convoluted, lead cannot act
random-7077820 May 2022
Wow, this might have worked as a short, but a five part series it is just interminable and vapid.

The lead actress is one of the weaker talents on Shameless and does poorly in conveying anything in this role.

And this was hardly the first "celebrity'" who was "famous for being famous." That has been done by plenty of shallow people in Hollywood for 100 years.
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Headturner120 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly didn't know this person was real until a few seconds ago I read the Wiki page and watched one of her music videos. This could have been interesting since not much is known they could have at least embellished to make it more interesting. There's no story. They could of added some romances, something or was she really just this boring?! Maybe spoilers I thought for sure when the episode ended having the kid say he found her true identity she was going to be a killer or something interesting woud be revealed because the reporter opens the folder and acts all "OMG"! But no! The most intriguing thing was her having multiple drivers licenses! They never even really get into her relationship with the man who funded all her billboards! I didn't even finish the last episode because I was so mad I wasted half my night when I could have been watching something good.
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This is an unfair review.
bmalakwa17 June 2022
There was nothing in the show that gave me any reason to watch more than 10 minutes of this what ever it is supposed to be, maybe it is worth watching, but after the first ten monotonous minutes the commercials where more interesting than the show. Maybe you have to watch the whole thing but life is too brief.
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It's pink and fun.
goldenboyxoxo20 May 2022
I think it's a pretty fun pink ride and one with some depth. It has funny moments, it has dark moments, and when it's all over I'd say it was a pretty fun interpretation of a real live wild story.
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