Summer Love (TV Movie 2016) Poster

(2016 TV Movie)

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Nice summer film
MovieTVRomanceFan22 February 2019
I really enjoyed this film as it was a nice feel good summer film and I like Maya's character, but I feel really bad for her since she has a lot of drama going in her life throughout the film. She feels out of place with all the younger people at her internship, she quickly becomes the involved in a love triangle with both the CFO and the CEO, causing all the other interns to become jealous of her. Maya is such a nice and sweet character and she doesn't deserve to be treated badly as all she wants is to gets through the internship without trouble. I thought a lot of the characters were unfairly rude to her, but at least she has the support of her best friend, her daughter and her true love interest. I'm just glad she managed to prove herself to everyone in the end.
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Love, summer and technology
TheLittleSongbird4 February 2023
The 2016 Summer Nights output was a bit of a mixed bag. While there was 'Summer Villa' that was the best of the good ones, there was also on the other end of the film spectrum quality-wise 'My Summer Prince'. The premise sounded nice and different, did like that technology featured a lot and was an integral part of the story which is not seen an awful lot with Hallmark. Rachel Leigh Cook has been worth watching in many of her films and the role here sounded perfect for her.

And it was perfect for her in real life too. 'Summer Love' was a long way from a classic and had issues (one being quite serious), but there was also a lot that was good and even great. Of the 2016 Summer Nights films (in what was as said a very variable batch), 'Summer Love' is for me easily one of the best, on reflection in fact it is second only to 'Summer Villa'. Really appreciated that it did have a different setting and tried to not stick too close to the usual formula.

Beginning with what didn't work, this reviewer will admit to hating some of the supporting characters for their excessively mean spirited treatment of Maya in a way that was completely undeserved. Did find the ending too pat and while early on one is kept guessing who she is going to choose it does become clear too early who it will be.

Did think as well that Travis Milne was a little on the bland side with a character that is not as well fleshed out as the other two.

Cook though is a breath of fresh air here and brings a lot of radiant charm. Also found her character very likeable and easy to get behind, while appreciating that she wasn't made too perfect (though she could have stood up for herself stronger perhaps). Lucas Bryant is easy going, down to earth and charismatic in an understated but never phoned in way. He and Cook have a very sweet and natural chemistry. The supporting cast are solid.

Moreover, the production values are nicely done, not over lavish but also not static or cheap. The scenery is lovely. Very interesting to see the use of technology while also seeing how far it has come on over the past few years. The music isn't too constant or loud, the script is suitably light hearted and flows well and even with it being predictable the story doesn't try to do more than necessary and is the meaning of feel good. With playful comedy and well meaning and not too schmaltzy drama.

In conclusion, good if not great. 7/10.
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Quite cute
phd_travel31 December 2019
Rachel Leigh Cook is cute here as an older back to school mom doing an internship at a hip company. The CEO takes to her. It's a refreshing change from the usual Hallmark movie.
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Hallmark romance
SnoopyStyle25 August 2018
Maya Sulliway (Rachael Leigh Cook) is 35, widower, and mom. She is back in school to study accounting. Her professor sends her to be an intern at a high-tech company despite her lack of tech savvy. She is assigned to the CFO Colin Fitzgerald (Lucas Bryant). CEO Will Martin (Travis Milne) is taken with her. Colin and Will have been together since creating their app Talker but Colin is frustrated that Will is lackadaisical in producing version 2.0.

This is cute. Cook is cute. The guys are cute. It's all cute and not that real. It's real like various cute romances do banking industry, or fashion business, or any number of businesses. The rom-com is cute until it tries to do the business. The personal relationships are the important aspects and I would have preferred staying out of the business. I'd rather have Will cheat on Maya with a woman. When Josh stole Maya's idea, I feared that the movie would become about that but I really like how it was handled. This Hallmark movie needs to know its strength and developing an app is not one of them.
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Its Rachel Leigh Cook...say no more
johne-5595227 August 2021
Ok I would watch almost anything she did (although that Christmas travel movie in 2021 broke that rule). This actually has a fairly unique story line which is unusual for these Hallmarkish movies. It was even kinda realistic speaking as a HT person. The acting and direction were not bad; nothing special. Weak chemistry in the romance department. The ensemble seemed to get along which worked well for the feeling of a team spirit.

Watchable, but for me that is mostly because of Ms. Cook--she's all that (sorry I couldn't stop myself).
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Good movie
jewelch23 March 2021
Loved it. Great cast great acting. James Welch Henderson Arkansas. 3/22/2021
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Good Movie
tredoe17 November 2020
This movie is good For older who feel out of place because of her age But everything falls into place this movie should have a Sequel Too see how everything plays out
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Really enjoyable romantic comedy
rodor125 September 2016
Few of these types of movies successfully appeal to both sexes, but this made it for me. Not my selection to watch originally, but I was glad I did. Many movies like these insult your intelligence, but this one was smartly written and acted, and I've always been fond of Rachel Leigh Cook. Maybe it was the tech background that pushed it over for me, but there was a freshness about the whole thing I really found enjoyable. This may not be everyone's cup of tea, it's a good way to spend a couple of hours and I'd encourage anyone that happens upon it to sit back, relax and enjoy...and don't be discouraged because the tech-talk wan't too much even for me.
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A good quality Hallmark Romance Movie, 7 Stars from me!
huggibear15 May 2017
I liked this one from Hallmark because even though there was a slight predictability factor, it kept you guessing on who she would end up with. This one surprised me a bit! I like it when it gets a bit unpredictable and puts some guess work into the equation. We kept discussing the better match for her when me and my family were watching it. It was really good! I would watch it again!
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Summer Love
studioAT10 September 2021
Rachel Leigh Cook perhaps more than any other Hallmark leading lady needs good material to allow her to shine, otherwise she can come off as being quite clipped and wooden.

I'm not sure she was particularly served well here. Yes, they make her look great, but the storyline isn't the best and the feel-good message (a Hallmark must) comes across as being a bit muddled.

It's fine, it's enjoyable enough, but I wouldn't rate this as one of my favourite Hallmark films.
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Good Movie
cubop21 August 2016
The title is deceptive. This is not so much a love story as it is about a smart woman who is attempting to improve her life after the loss of her husband by working as an unpaid intern for a startup and her interactions much younger people. It's great to see Rachael Leigh Cook again and good to know that she is going do another HallmarK movie. If it is the quality of this one I'll really be looking forward to it. It seems as if the Network is putting out higher quality productions now that the major networks no longer have this kind of picture. They are doing stories for every season and not just romance movies. The mysteries are also well done and a lot of fun.
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Lacking in Apologies
athompsonblue15 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It was pretty low of the tech friends to just accuse Maya of betraying them. It was especially rich of the blonde man to get indignant. I guess they just assumed that Maya was as competitive as the others in the industry. Maya also didn't apologize to Colin for calling him a thief. These complaints aside, it is a good clean movie.
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Not my favorite
LtlHippo3 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Boy, if I had friends like that, I'd be looking for new ones. The way they dropped her and treated her without finding out the facts was horrible. Unbelievable plot with the phone, she could see her messages, emails etc. and see if someone else saw them. A rather boring storyline.
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Not a romance story, but still original and entertaining
TheCheeseMistress1 March 2021
The tech background gives this movie a different feel respect to what we're used to see in Hallmark productions. The plot is original and there seems to be more going on than in most movies of the genre, I just wish they had taken the extra mile and put a little more effort in polishing the details: the writers seem to believe that the audience is going to be completely illiterate in terms of technology and basic finances. Her app idea makes no sense whatsoever and we're even shown a bunch of code written in all caps that consists entirely on dummy instructions (although to be fair, I don't think a lot of people are going to pause the video and read it). Anyway, those things didn't keep me from enjoying it since the overall story is still well written and quite unpredictable. Just be aware that is not a romance story but one of self superation, not in a drama style but the light and funny rom-com style.

This movie has only one problem: one of the romantic contenders is an idiot. There's nothing wrong in a character being an idiot, the problem is that in this case the character is supposed to be a charismatic and successful professional but the actor plays a complete sit-com buffoon, which creates a dissonance between what we're told and what we see that keeps us from fully believing and feeling invested in the story.

Overall, I still recommend it and if you're a fan of Hallmark this is definitely one you should watch.
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Old looking techies
heidibetrug14 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
These are the oldest looking tech workers in the world and the most carefully "casually" dressed as well. They're wearing jeans, sure, but paired with well-pressed and coordinated accessories. Seriously? The "mature" intern doesn't look any different than anyone else and yet they all make a point of saying she' old, and the love triangle of the star, CFO and CEO starting on her very first day hits the viewer like a ton of bricks. The whole movie - while visually pretty - is so obvious it's more like an appetizer than a meal.
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Fun watch
mrjoyce-productions22 August 2016
A fun watch. The characters were well written and the dialogue was snappy. All around an enjoyable watch. Better value than The Intern (2015). I don't know about a Summer Love - this could have happened anytime of the year. Then again perhaps it would be interesting to see a sequel for the Winter and see how this new relationship and/or company develops.

Music score: Could have been more polished. It seemed to be dropped in out of a can of Muzak. Other technical areas were good.

For summer TV fare it did seem equal to if not better than most of the theatrical fare available this year.
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Ioana171710 February 2021
Super chill, enjoyable, no sex scenes, romantic comedy. I loved everything about it. The subject, the characters, the scenery, everything.
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Loved it! It's a good one!
smithduke3 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I loved this movie! The premise was very interesting, and it kept my attention the entire time.

Maya, a widow with a tween daughter, is going to school to become an accountant. While her daughter is away at summer camp, Maya gets an internship at a tech company. She feels she's in over her head because she's not tech savvy and much older than the other interns. What she has going for her is her honesty and willingness to learn.

While her boss is the CFO, the CEO takes Maya under his wing, causing a bit of jealousy with the other interns. She also strikes up a friendship with her boss.

This movie is a great addition to the Hallmark movies. One of my favorites that I will watch again!!
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Stupid, the story made no absolute sense!
Irishchatter26 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I wanted to give this movie a watch because "She's all that" star Rachael Leigh Cook was in this and of course, I like Hallmark movies. I honestly thought this was gonna be like a warm romantic movie that would make sense to me in a warming way, especially with the story line.

Instead it was like a high school movie with full of dweebs making fun of Cook's character like she is a nerd. She's suppose to act as a mother taking on an internship and the other characters are just acting like teenagers, making just immature. Hallmark should've kept away from Cooks past somehow or not have her star in this at all!

Avoid this movie while you can, it's horrible!
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