3 Reviews
Truth in reviewing--this is a review of the first 25 minutes of the movie
Red-12526 November 2015
Funny Bunny (2015) was co-written and directed by Alison Bagnall. It's a terrible film. Well, the first 25 minutes were terrible.

There's a guy going door to door with a clipboard, talking to people about childhood obesity. (Factually correct, but who pays him to do this?) There's a weird rich kid who thinks he's an owl. There's a scam artist who threatens them both with a huge knife. (She's angry because the rich kid has bought her a bicycle. She keeps the bike.) There's an animal rights activist, who has a website on which he harangues his meager audience about the evils of factory farming. (Again, he's factually correct, but who will listen to him?)

All of these people end up at an animal rights meeting. According to someone at the meeting, a pig has the intellect of a three-year-old child. One of the people at the meeting suggests that they kill his nephew, because he's three years old, which will make a statement about three-year-old sentient beings. (His suggestion is rejected, but it was considered carefully.) That's when we left.

This was the closing film of the High Falls Film Festival in Rochester, NY. I just don't know what the selection committee had in mind.
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Truly Dreadful, Narcissistic Nonsense.
heratyplant29 June 2021
Self obsessed, teen angst, Greta Thunberg, wokie dokie, garbage with the totally unwatchable Alexander, how anyone wants to hire him is a mystery to me, the voice of an angel, with a fist in its mouth.

Don't watch it, you have been warned.
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Beautiful movie
Patrick4879 February 2016
Funny Bunny is one of those movies you can't stop thinking about after watching it. A simple yet captivating story.

I do not know much about filming, but I can say this movie is shot in a beautiful way. The scenes and the photography are a true work of art. The dialogs are perfect, and the acting is brilliant, especially Olly Alexander's. Everything is exactly where it should be: the looks, the gestures, the silences.

I had not seen such a good movie in a very long time.

For those outside the U.S., the movie can be seen on Vimeo. I rented it for only 4.99.

I liked it so much that I had to watch it twice in a row.
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