2 Reviews
Very interesting groove! See it!
Rainbowcan12 April 2014
Caught this one at the Florida Film Festival in Orlando. Superb acting, interesting premise and 90 minutes went by in 45. Quirky and uplifting--as well as funny. O'Nan deserves backing from those big money Dilberts who front $$$$ for independent films. He has tremendous talent as both an actor and a director and with the requisite cash could do even greater things. The storyline is bewitchingly simplistic and predictable in the beginning but gradually becomes more complex and thought evoking as the movie progresses. There are a number of subtle underlying themes that expose the idiocy of racism, prejudice, stereotyping, etc., that are still practiced by some individuals who should realize it is the 21st century! Bottom Line--Go see this movie and Chu will love it and your heart will Blossom.
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Fun quirky film
atomiccomandant6 December 2020
I stumbled upon this movie on prime while looking for an indie to pass the time with. I was not prepared to be pulled into this movie the way i was. Its your basic fish out of water scenario with a napoleon dynamite sort of feel and heart. Charles Chu really carries the film his performance as Joon was so subtle and natural. Ryan O'Nan was very good too as the consummate outsider artist. A lot of people say he was over the top but being as I was a musician for a number of years i can say that people like him actually do exist, typhoons of creative chaos. The movie was full of indie cliches (Acoustic soundtrack, pink haired love interest, Quirky characters around every corner), That being said this movie just has a way about it. Everyone in it feels real the town feels real the friendship that builds between the leads feels real.

In short, if you are a fan of indie films with lots of heart. And seeing the writers take the reigns creatively and really giving it their all then you owe it to yourself to check this movie out.

PS... I am the locust.
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