33 Reviews
Stop beating a dead horse
DarkVulcan2929 September 2023
I've watched the Spy Kids films. And they where entertaining fun, not great, but enjoyable B. Movie fun, and never tries to be nothing more. But Robert Rodriguez wants to keep it going, even though it appears it does not want to be, he made a superhero version titled We Can Be Heroes, which was a little better in my opinion.

Now the effects are hit or miss here, and the two kids are fun to watch, but I bought them more has friends then brother and sister. But Zachery Levi is just sleepwalking through this, looking very bored being in this. Gina Rodriguez does alright by what she's giving, but other than that, this is a mess of itself.
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They should stop now
akshatmahajan26 September 2023
The trilogy was silly and good in some way and the fourth part was bad but this reboot fails to match the level of the original. The movie is little bit entertaining and enjoyable but overall, it is just a average movie with forgettable story and characters. The story was average and ineffective, the screenplay was uneven, the direction was below average and the performances were okay. The family bond, which should have been an important part of the movie was totally missing.

Overall, you will not love this movie and I would recommend you to just watch the first two parts. They are enough to entertain you. This reboot was literally not needed.
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Spies stopping armageddon
MB-reviewer18529 September 2023
I do not hate the first two movies Spy Kids (2001) and Spy Kids: Island of Lost Dreams (2002), but I do not care that much about them that much even if they can have some entertainment value in them, along with Spy Kids 3: Game Over (2003) which is a bad movie but it can be entertaining at times; in my opinion, the worst Spy Kids movie was Spy Kids 4: All the Time in the World (2011). The Spy Kids reboot Spy Kids: Armageddon (2023) was better than Spy Kids three and four, but I liked it as much as I did the first two movies. To make clear, the movie was not terrible because it was entertaining to watch with effort put into it, and I can see kids liking the movie like the earlier four movies.

The main kids in the movie named Tony and Patty Tango-Torrez played by Connor Esterson and Everly Carganilla were not that bad in the movie, and even though they were a bit annoying from time to time, they were ok to get through. The kids have some cliché things kids do, but the two kids have their own way in doing things, like the brother cheating and lying especially when it includes video games, and the sister thinking honesty is the best policy and having nicer ways to get through rough situations. The parents played by Zachary Levi and Gina Rodriguez were also not that bad in the movie, and Zachary Levi as the dad had some funny moments in the movie; also, the dad has something to with on how the device called Armageddon was made and used for.

The villain Rey 'The King' Kingston played by Billy Magnussen was an ok antagonist; he could have been better though, being a game designer that steals a big weapon to control all technology making people play this difficult video game every time they want to use something. The henchman of sorts are characters from the popular video game where the CGI effects do not look believable, but the effects are better than the effects from the earlier films. The green screen at times will look good, but other times it is noticeable, especially in the third act climax that involves the video game realm to achieve a certain task that is a part of their mission.

All the effects in the go from being bad to being ok, and the action scenes were not that bad; even if it has some good things, it has issues involving the editing at certain scenes, some performances in the movie, some of the effects, and certain things that have something to do with the main premise. The reboot Spy Kids: Armageddon (2023) was better than the fourth movie, even though it is still not good, it was not terrible; it has good things like the acting, the premise, and some effects but it can also lead to the issues with the movie. Kids will be entertained, and I was too, but the Spy Kids franchise is still not my kind of thing even if it is aimed at kids; entertaining but mostly aimed at people who like these movies.
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hkrpz-2909730 September 2023
If your looking for a movie to watch with your family about cool spy's saving the world.... Well find a different one this on sucks definitely don't recommend the director should probably rethink his career choices honestly he shouldn't make movies anymore nothing against him personally this movie was just annoying and hard too watch. Terrible movie also who you gonna have a secret agency where anyone can find you cuz it's literally labeled in the middle of the city that didn't make sense tbh the whole movie makes no sense they tried tho they could have tried harder in my opinion thats a whole 1 and 40 minutes im never getting back kinda disappointed in myself for watching it now.
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The worse
luisjtmamaral1 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I grew with Spy Kids, and really enjoy the first three movies. The last one was okay, but this one... adults are super dumb, children become super spies after a few hours of self practice. Villains have no goal, and are self defeated. The idea of peace and harmony is great, but it does not work instantly based only giving hugs and playing fair for once. Predictable movie, barely makes it for children under 12... watch if you want to question yourself if humanity is becoming dumber. The cast and CGI were okay, just a really bad plot. Quite unfortunate, as spy kids are the childhood of many young adults #OnTheRunForTheWorstPlots2023.
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Catastrophic Collapse of Creativity Under Roberto Rodriguez's Direction
skywalker_20035 October 2023
"Spy Kids: Armageddon" is a colossal disappointment, a film that crashes and burns spectacularly despite the potential of its exciting premise. The film is an incoherent mess, struggling to find its identity amidst a chaotic blend of half-baked ideas and poorly executed action sequences.

Rodriguez's direction further exacerbates the film's issues. The action sequences lack excitement and creativity, relying heavily on CGI that feels dated and unimpressive. There's a distinct lack of innovative choreography or visual flair, making the movie visually unappealing despite its supposed 'spy' theme. It's a shame to see a director of Rodriguez's caliber produce something so lackluster and uninspired.

In conclusion, "Spy Kids: Armageddon" is a prime example of how a once-beloved franchise can be tarnished by careless filmmaking. Roberto Rodriguez's direction, which was once celebrated, has now become a liability, leading the series into a downward spiral of mediocrity. This film is a disheartening reminder of what can happen when creativity takes a back seat, and commercial interests drive the filmmaking process.
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Not a bad film from the Spy Kids Franchise
lisafordeay27 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Spy Kids Armagedon(Spy Kids 5) is the 5th installment in the Spy Kids franchise after the 2000 film which had Antonio Banderas and Daryl Sabbara. In 2010 Jessica Alba starred in the 4th one and now we have Chuck star Zachary Levi teaming up with his Co star from the 2017 animated Christian Christmas film The Star Gina Rodriguez.

Written by Robert Rodriguez (who also directed this film and the other 4 films)and his son Racer Rodriguez;this version is about two kids named Tony and Patty Tango Torrez(newcomers Connor Esterson and Everly Carganilla) who discover that their parents Nora and Terrence Torrez(Rodriguez and Levi) are international spies who are after a computer virus dubbed Armagedon which is created by Rey Kingston(Billy Magnussen) that has come to life. Now it's up to the Torrez family to stop Rey and save the world.

Overall I thought it was an average film. The reason why I watched it was because of Zachary Levi as I've always loved this actor since Tangled,Chuck and Shazam (to name a few). Also parts of this reminded me of Chuck(especially with the whole computer virus). If you loved the first 4 films of Spy Kids then you might enjoy it.

5/10 50% C.
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Spy Kids: Armageddon (2023) - A Disastrous Attempt at Rebooting a Franchise
avatar-026525 October 2023
"Spy Kids: Armageddon," the much-anticipated reboot of the beloved franchise, is a catastrophic failure in every sense of the word. Roberto Rodriguez seems to have lost his touch entirely, delivering a film that not only tarnishes the legacy of the original movies but also leaves the audience questioning the very essence of storytelling.

From the beginning, it's evident that Rodriguez has abandoned the heart and soul of the Spy Kids series. The once-charming child spies, Juni and Carmen Cortez, are reduced to mere caricatures of their former selves. Their witty dialogues and endearing sibling dynamics are replaced by cringe-worthy one-liners and forced chemistry, making it painful for fans of the original films to watch.

The plot, if it can even be called that, is a convoluted mess. The storyline jumps erratically from one poorly executed action sequence to another, leaving the audience bewildered and disconnected. The introduction of new gadgets and gizmos feels forced and uninspired, lacking the innovation.

Rodriguez's direction further exacerbates the film's problems. The action scenes, which should have been the movie's saving grace, are plagued by shoddy choreography and sloppy editing. The once-impressive visual effects are now laughably outdated, making it seem like a desperate attempt to cash in on nostalgia without putting in the effort to update the film for modern audiences.

Moreover, the performances from the cast are uninspired at best. It's almost painful to watch talented actors sleepwalk through their roles, delivering lines with a lack of conviction that further emphasizes the overall lack of effort put into this project.

In conclusion, "Spy Kids: Armageddon" is a prime example of how not to revive a beloved franchise. Roberto Rodriguez's direction, paired with a lackluster script and uninspired performances, results in a film that is not only forgettable but also deeply disappointing for fans who were hoping for a worthy successor to the original Spy Kids movies. Instead of breathing new life into the series, Rodriguez has managed to bury it even deeper, leaving audiences to wonder why this ill-conceived reboot was ever made in the first place.
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Again, From and By Robert Rodriguez
nightringer-7684025 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Here's the irony, Robert Rodriguezcs name is synonymous with ridiculous violent action films like Desperados and Machete. He was for a while known as Mexican Quentin Tarantino.

On the opposite sides, he wrote, directed and produced Spy Kids, 6 installments of them. He gave them exciting actions, surprising cameos and very positive and family-minded messages.

This time, it's Zachary Levy turns to take over for the next generation of Spy Kids, considering his past role as Chuck. It's kinda a reunion with Chuck character for Levy, nerdy spy man-child like.

The only reason for such an average score was this time the message followed the little girl positivity message of peace and emotion-based decision making. Kinda like Barbie as a spy.
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Definitely not the worse or the best
eyepatchgamer23 September 2023
No spoiler review .Spy Kids Armageddon was a nice change of pace from the last Spy kids movie. The parents are Experienced actors. The kids not professional but not as bad as " We are heros" Or Good like The Original Spy kids Trilogy.

Plot. The thought behind it was Almost SOOOOO good. The villian Could have been better made. With a Better purpose. His end Goal was kinda Odd but it had potential

CGI. The CGI was mostly Green Screen . But let me be clear this is not a bad thing in this movie. They definitely put more effort in this than previous installations.

Comedy . Definitely for children. Some good Joke for adults like a 4/20 Joke on the Computer for the Villains birthday( unless that wasnt supposed to be a joke)

Predictability. Did notice they reused a lot of jokes from the first movies. Which made this movie VERY predictable. While watching with my SO. We played a game in which i tried to predict the next scene. I was 90% right. Which makes it a hard watch.

Overall conclusion. Definitely a fun watch.... for kids. Won't complain. If you have kids. Sit down and watch it with them. But if you dont. Still sit down and watch it. Cause there isnt nothing better on netflix.
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From all the time to no time
LetsReviewThat2627 September 2023
How many years has it been since the franchise ended. Many you may say or not enough you may think. Well fear not as Netflix now presents a reboot of the series containing everything you didnt miss about the others. Tony and patty's parents are spies. Of course they don't know and after Tony downloads and tries to beat a new game. A evil man steals the universal code to unlock things and tried to enslave the world. You know the usual. I didnt think much of the child actors and thought they seemed a little annoying. Gina and John were good but cheesy in the subject of this film. I missed the thumb people but we do get skeletons that kinda reminds me of the Argonauts ones we got in the second film. Overall this film did seem a little too childish and wasent really in the spirit of the original. Still a good watch though.
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It was lit
mrbenacland2 October 2023
I'm 15 and I watched this with my younger cousins and thought it was a great movie The plot was very original and the morals were inspiring, and the characters left me in awe with there awesome spy skills. I liked how they incorporated video games and the relatability of strict controlling parents preventing their children from having some fun. The jokes were original and really cracked me up and the acting was very impressive considering the main characters were very young and probably not very changed. The cgi was decent, sometimes lacking but was often quite good, almost looking as good as real life. Overall it was amazing and I really enjoyed it and recommend it to others.
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New characters, NOT A REBOOT, it was okay
BenW199923 September 2023
Honestly... this was not terrible like I thought It would be.

Firstly this didn't seem like a reboot. The characters are NOT Juni and Carmen but are new characters completely.

Take the first three spy kid films plots and put them all into chatGPT with the prompt "Combine all the elements of these films into one film".

This film, although not as good as the original 3 (never saw the 4th), still feels like a proper Spy Kids film, even keeping the Spy Kids Leitmotif from the originals.

It's fun and very cheesy. Kids will probably love this, adults will probably review bomb it.

Still wish we got another outing of Carmen and Juni with the original cast.
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Shazam! Jane's No Longer a Virgin
borhank28 June 2024
Spy Kids: Armageddon is the latest chapter in the Spy Kids series and this series is led by Jane the Virgin Gina Rodrigez with Zachery Levie I am hopeless at spelling peoples names :) The movie itself is a story on its own and has no links to the earlier movies with Antonio Banderes. This movie is mostly for younger audiences and has a great storytelling process while watching the story and going on the journey with the two young kid actors and they did a great job.

Where the story falls over for me is when near the end of the story we see a lot of special effects with poor CGI scenes of lava that you know is really poorly done and you can see that they were starting to run out of the budget.

In the end the movie became very wholistic virtuous and this is ok but it really made it all lovey dovey.

If you are a fan of the movie series then I would say watch it. Its a great movie to watch with the whole family it just could have ended a lot better.

It is video game based and coding as well so thats cool but as mentioned above they needed to invest in better CGI.
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Disappointing addition to the spy kids name
ungirebecca10 November 2023
I grew up watching the original spy kids movies and loved them. They each had an interesting idea with good learning point about loyalty, family and even just how to have fun with imagination.

I have been open to watch the new spy kids Armageddon but I watch through the originals again too In order before writing this review. I can honestly say the movie was disappointing and very underwhelmed.

There is no relation to the original family like in the other 4 movies so they are completely new kids. However it's the parents that are spys again and the kids just like video game. The movie had a heavy focus on how much kids play games and that can be there superpower. I am personally a gamers but I found this sloppy. I have grown with games over the years and there was something terrible watching adults being unable to do anything because they can't use a game controller.

The CGI was unfortunately terrible again for a movie from 2023. The skeletons were better in the original, I honestly don't know what went wrong. There is even some sections in the movie that are copies from the original and could have been a nice Easter egg but even these scenes were disappointing and didn't really capture the same emotions from the base series.

Also I found it alittle sad watching a fully grown man fighting and beating a child. In the old movies this was done in a more tasteful manner with the parents being involved too. This often made the sides look more even and a bigger goal for the family to reach.

Overall I was left board and dissatisfied with how the series has changed. Sometimes movies should stay in the past. I will be watching the original 3 movies with my children, not this one.
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"Spy Kids: Armageddon - A Franchise's Unfortunate Demise"
tuliocadilhaczanella28 August 2024
"Spy Kids: Armageddon" is a film that, frankly, should have never seen the light of day. The script is absolutely disastrous, devoid of any substance or narrative coherence. The young actors, while undoubtedly trying their best, clearly lack the experience needed to carry a film of this magnitude. The ending, dull and filled with clichés, only reinforces the notion that this project is forced, attempting unsuccessfully to align with the growing market of 'family-friendly' films. The Spy Kids franchise was never among the best, but it managed to maintain a level of quality that was, to some extent, acceptable. However, the insistence on prolonging the series beyond its natural conclusion has led to the collapse of everything that once had merit. Had they ended the franchise with the penultimate film, it could have been a fitting conclusion. Yet, by pushing the series further, they've produced a work that utterly destroys any positive memories the earlier films may have left behind. What's even more surprising is the sheer weakness of the special effects, which seem to have been developed with little concern for quality or innovation. At a time when audiences expect more from children's productions, this film stands out negatively in every aspect: plot, direction, and technical execution. The fact that this project was greenlit by Netflix's executives raises serious questions about the criteria used to select and produce content. Not only Netflix, but also the writers and the franchise's creator, are equally responsible for this cinematic disaster. Without a doubt, this is a work that should never have made it past the planning stage.
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Nothing beats the og
madeyejulia-525-42930920 August 2024
Sorry but what? Only good thing in this movie was the parents.. as characters and actors. It did have potential and a bit of the energy from the originals. If they had just kept that energy thoughout. The extreme force of whatever simple message of honesty and kindness of whatever junk they could push into this movie was a but too obvious. Small thing were cute and all and good as a children's movie. The end was at least not as I had expected. Cheezy is good but not bad written kind.

I guess it could've been worse. They could've made the girl soft and all about rainbows and pink stuff. Oh wait...
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An Unnecessary Spy Kids Reboot
TheMysteriousReviewer1 November 2023
I'll give that the movie was slightly better than last time with an enjoyable villain and a pretty cool finale where the family enter the video game, but that won't be saying much for Spy Kids: Armageddon either. Less cringy comedy is fine, but it can still have a basic story, okay visuals, and weak characters. I know it's a Spy Kids film, but most of the action is childish. The most the movie would do in order to have action is kids gadgets and play too safe. While watching this movie, I have been thinking of a question for me to ask to Netflix: Is a Spy Kids reboot necessary? I mean, last time we've gotten a Spy Kids movie was from 12 years ago, and that came out a disaster. So honestly, rebooting the entire movie franchise can't make a difference. So I'm just going to say that if you actually enjoy the Spy Kids movies, then I guess I won't stop you. Other than that, it's not worth your time. Again, it was slightly better than last time. But in the end, this reboot is unnecessary and should not exist.
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Remaking the saga, but more childish than before
Elvis-Del-Valle6 October 2023
The franchise created by Robert Rodríguez is rebooted in this fifth film, presenting a new direction with some elements that are reminiscent of the previous films. Although the Spy Kids movies were always intended for a child audience, the truth is that as the franchise progressed, it became increasingly infantilized. This film could be considered more childish than the previous ones for several reasons. The plot is a crazy combination between the plot of the first film and the concept of the third. It becomes very fanciful with the concept of a video game taking control of the real world and turning to the virtual to adapt it to a time where gamers and virtual reality became part of our lives. There is a whole festival of CGI that makes it a visually striking and crazy film. The new characters are not at all on par with the characters from the previous films, they don't even manage to beat the Cortez family. The two little brothers fall short compared to Carmen and Juni, although at least they manage to have some sympathy. Patty is a girl with a truly irresistible tenderness and perhaps she is the best thing in the movie, but that changes when there comes a point where Patty feels too good and the movie ends up giving her too much relevance. Robert Rodríguez's children's films are few, but a special characteristic of them is that they have a moral. The Spy Kids franchise has always been characterized by having a message about the value of family. This fifth film has some of that, but breaks that important element when Patty proves too right about kindness and sincerity. This film has a moral that is based on the importance of sincerity. At times he does it well, at other times he does it as if it were something out of Steven Universe and makes both the movie and Patty lose credibility. Robert Rodríguez usually bases his children's films on the bond he has with his children and they are usually the source of all the fantasies projected in the films. But you can notice that in each film there is a different tone in how he narrates his childhood stories. The first three installments of Spy Kids could be taken a little more seriously and had a good balance of telling something that children and their parents could enjoy at the same time. Even The Adventures Of Sharkboy And Lavagirl also had that balance. But from Shorts to Spy Kids 4 and now this movie they lost that balance and became something that seems one hundred percent made by a child. This movie falls into that and becomes something that only kids can admire while parents probably won't view it the same way. Spy Kids: Armageddon is a somewhat poor reboot for the franchise that as a children's film may delight children, but not adults. My final rating for this movie is a 6/10.
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Action-Packed, Family-Friendly Adventure That Takes The Beloved Spy Kids Franchise To New Heights
rannynm9 October 2023
Wow! Spy Kids: Armageddon is an action-packed, family-friendly adventure that takes the beloved Spy Kids franchise to new heights. Directed by the visionary Robert Rodriguez, this film combines thrilling spy missions with heartwarming family moments, making it a fantastic addition to the series.

The film follows the next generation of Spy Kids, Nora Torrez (Gina Rodriguez) and Terrance Tango (Zachary Levi)'s children, tasked to save the world from a diabolical villain's doomsday device. The young cast, led by talented newcomers Connor Esterson and Everly Carganilla, brings fresh energy to the franchise. The action sequences are exhilarating, and the gadgets are as ingenious as ever, providing a visual spectacle that left me on the edge of my seat.

Spy Kids: Armageddon excels in production elements. The imaginative sets, cleverly designed spy gadgets, and visually stunning special effects create a world that feels familiar and full of surprises. Standout performances by Everly Carganilla as Patty Tango-Torrez and Connor Esterson as Tony Tango-Torrez add depth to the cast, and their chemistry with the lead characters is delightful. Rodriguez's signature style shines through in the film's direction, keeping the pace engaging and fully immersing the audience in the Spy Kids universe.

At its core, Spy Kids: Armageddon delivers a positive message about teamwork, family and believing in oneself. The young spies face challenges and make mistakes, but ultimately learn and grow from their experiences.

I give Spy Kids: Armageddon 4 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 5 to 12, plus adults who have fond memories of the original Spy Kids movies. You can catch this exciting family adventure right now on Netflix, making it a perfect choice for a cozy movie night at home with your little spies-in-training. By Hanadie K., KIDS FIRST!
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The movie is both adorable and ridiculous.
trinaboice28 September 2023
IN A NUTSHELL: The family-friendly flick was directed by Robert Rodriguez, who also wrote the script with his son, Racer Rodriguez. I love that he involves his family members in the movie-making business. He has said that this is his family making a movie for other families. That's fairly unique in the film industry. His son, Rebel, has a composer credit in the film, and his daughter, Rhiannon, performs the song called "Armageddon" which you can hear during the rolling credits.

In case you're wondering, he's not related to Gina Rodriguez, who stars in the movie...at least not what I could find on the Internet.

THINGS I LIKED: The film definitely has a strong Latino influence, which pairs nicely with the newest teen superhero to hit the market: Blue Beetle. Almost everyone in the film is Hispanic.

I adore both Gina Rodriguez and Zachary Levi, so I was really excited to see them in this together. They both look fantastic! Individually, they did a great job, but I was surprised by their lack of chemistry together. Still a fan of both of them though.

The young stars provide the cuteness factor you're hoping for: Connor Esterson and Everly Carganilla. The director named the children after his sister and himself, since they had so much fun playing pretend spies when they were kids.

Fun fact: Everly Carganilla actually played a young Gina Rodriguez in her popular TV show Jane the Virgin when she was only 9 months old! That was such a cute show, by the way.

The villain is played by Billy Magnussen.

The "Spy Suit Generator" scene was totally adorable and made me laugh out loud.

Another cute scene is when the kids try to sneak down the hall at night while their parents are sleeping, but they're not successful because there are so many creaks on the wood floor. The director revealed that he got the idea for the scene from his similar experience while growing up. Me too, Robert!

I laughed when I heard the name of the video game that could possibly take over the world: Hyskor. We're told the precursor to that game was "Lowskor." ha ha The director's kids had actually started creating a video game named Hyskor, which is what gave their dad the idea to include it in the movie.

There are quite a few Easter eggs in this movie. For example, we see the children eating "Great White Bites", a cereal featured in the Sharkboy and Lavagirl movie.

Kids will love all of the cool gadgets and spy tools.

The film really does have all of the things kids like: cool spy stuff, action, comedy, villains who aren't too scary, and showcasing kids who are smarter than any of the adults.

Ultimately, the movie is both adorable and ridiculous.

THINGS I DIDN'T LIKE: There is SO much exposition, meaning that the characters have to tell you everything they're doing and why. It talks down to its audience. In addition, the dialogue is not very inspired. It sounded like it was written by ChatGPT.

It's definitely not as good as the first films in the trilogy.

The CGI is surprisingly terrible. Because of SO many green screen moments, the acting is often wooden. What a disappointment.

Some fans of the franchise might not like the fact that the original young actors from the first Spy Kids aren't in this reboot. The director explained that he wanted to create an entirely new family but that he is playing around with the idea of bringing them back in to connect those stories to the new ones.

TIPS FOR PARENTS: No profanity.

Lots of destruction.

Some characters are in dangerous situations.

We see some skeletons, but they turn out to be robots that are nearly as scary-looking.

There is a LOT of talk about playing fair and being honest. That's something every parent can be glad to hear!

Heads up: your kids might ask you what Armageddon means...

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SnoopyStyle25 September 2023
Terrence Tango (Zachary Levi) and Nora Torrez (Gina Rodriguez) are the best spies working for the OSS and trying to take down video game inventor Rey 'The King' Kingston (Billy Magnussen). Nora and Terrence are married with two kids, Tony Tango-Torrez (Connor Esterson) and Patty Tango-Torrez (Everly Carganilla).

Robert Rodriguez is trying to reboot his franchise with a little help from his son. The first question I have is why. It's an IP, I guess. The tech has advanced, but I don't like that reason. The special effects were always more weird than top-of-the-line. In fact, this one is slightly less weird, but it does maintain an imaginative edge. For the actors, it's great to have Zachary and Gina. The kids are leaning younger. That's about it. I am surprised that Robert Rodriguez didn't get any of the hot young actors around today. Finally, there is an interesting message from Patty. I like it, but it's strictly for a kiddie movie. I am not still not buying any answer to the why question. It's reboot for reboot's sake. They are getting what's left of that Netflix money.
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Loved it
ibrahim-4655429 September 2023
A lot of thrill and no boring or slow scenes. It is a sensational film that delivers non-stop excitement, heartfelt storytelling, and a dash of family charm. From start to finish, this exhilarating adventure will keep you on the edge of your seat, leaving you craving for more.

First and foremost, the film boasts an incredibly talented and diverse cast that brings the characters to life with their exceptional performances. The chemistry between the actors is palpable, making us instantly connect and root for them. Whether it's the veteran spies or the young, dynamic Spy Kids, each character shines brightly and adds a unique flavor to the story.
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This movie is cute
babymanperson24 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
In this movie there is this thing called the Armogedon code that allows the user to take over all the technology in the world. There is a spy father and a spy mother and their 2 children. The boy is named Tony and the daughter is named Patty. The kids are only allowed to use their devices for a few hours a day and they are locked away the rest of the time. There is a brand new game out called HIGSKOR. The son plays a card game version of the game at school and wins by cheating. He hid a good card up his sleave. They win an early version of the next game. It comes out at midnight and they aren't supposed to say up that late. They sneak and play the game when they aren't supposed to. The Game developer has a vr set that allows him to control his game. He hacked into the game and stole the Armagedon code. It turns out he only stole part of it. The other half of the code is at the safe house. The house gets attacked by characters from the game so they put the kids in a self driving go cart and the go cart sends them to the safe house. The parents get captured. The game characters catch up with them and steal the other half of the code which was on a chip from the safe house. Later in the movie the parents and the kids have to use his own VR head sets to go insied the game to fight him. They basically combined the plot of the first Spy Kids Movie with the third movie. The elements it took from the first movie are jewlery with hidden tracking devices, The kids finding out the parents are spies, the house getting attacked ,the kids being sent to the safe house, and spys ambushing the space house to try to get them only this time they were actually good. It is similar to the third movie because in the 3rd movie they go inside a video game. This movie came out in 2023 instead of 2003 so the graphics of the game are better. Its also much more modern because the dad is an anti technology karen and some parents are like that. It was relatable. Patty said she didn't want to be a spy similar to Juni in the 2nd and 3rd movie. He was tired of the lies and decption. Patty prefred to solve problems peacefully and didn't like lying or cheating. This movie is ok. It has the campiness and fun of all the other Spy Kids Movies. The first and second movie were a bit more fun becuase we got to see more gadgets.
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Simply a time pass movie
tarotreaderunconscious28 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
👊 I was just thinking, what this movie could be in real? However, was excited to watch after looking at the trailer. It was fun to watch.

I won't say complete entertaining, as usual spy kids doing things that even adults fail to do... But with the franchise the series has always brought laughter content, and Hero Father with some crazy moves. That is still there in this movie.

The villain turning good, yes so another good part or tradition continued throughout.

I would say that yes it's a fun to watch, just keep your brains out and bring the wandering mind with you, it will be full of entertainment. So yes, one time watch. And if prefered can continue to watch more.. personal choice matters.
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