356 Reviews
Filthy, stupid yet charmingly funny fantasy adventure
theycallmemrglass10 April 2011
I have just seen this at a preview screening in London.

I'm not actually a fan of low brow humour but I found myself laughing and chuckling throughout this filthy mouthed, very gory, medieval sword and sorcery fantasy comedy. Its mainly because the cast is very likable with its main leads resonating off each other in this pool of silliness which makes the film highly entertaining. While James Franco and Danny McBride provides the laughter and brotherly banter, Natalie Portman strides in with stunning gravitas as a deceptive sexy swashbuckling heroine.

The storyline is a simple action adventure journey to save a damsel in distress from a warlord. But this not a naked gun style comedy, rather a humorous homage to classic fantasy movies such as Dark Crystal, Conan the Barbarian, Princess Bride etc. What's surprising is that the adventure is rather genuine and exciting with a huge dose of special effects that a comedy shouldn't really be allowed to have. I believe the film was given a normal comedy level budget but they certainly seem to have made clever use of it with some impressive special effects.

Yes there is much sexual jokes and innuendos and a heavy reliance on uncharacteristic medieval expletive adjectives to force a laugh but the charm of the characters makes them get away with it.

Having said all of the above, there were clearly some pacing issues and missed opportunities for this to be an even funnier and smarter movie but as it is, it offers plenty of entertainment, fun and laughs for a Friday/Saturday evening at the cinema.
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I did laugh out loud quite a few times!
Everycloudhasa19 April 2011
I liked this film. It is not going to win any Oscars, and is pretty rude at times, but anyone who is a fan of Eastbound and Down will like this. It is cheesy at times, knowingly so, but does entertain all the way through. It is not trying to be ground breaking and original, it is a comedy and does what is says on the tin. Maybe do not watch the trailer though as the best bits are in there! Do not go to see it if you are easily offended, it is full of bad language, crude sex references and is quite in your face. I was heartily amused, and would recommend this for a light hearted, entertaining romp. The cast is strong. Too often, critics pan films which Jo public actually really enjoy, so judge for yourself based on what actual people say, not according to reviewers, who often are quite wrong about what people enjoy watching.
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Among the silliness, Natalie Portman lights up the rest.
PCC09213 October 2020
When dealing with a film that actually comes from the mind of Danny McBride, you must accept and respect the fact that there will be a lot of bathroom humor and 21st century slang. Also, knowing that this is a sword & sandal film, don't expect any accuracies in the dialogue. Obviously, don't expect too much reality, but plenty of satire. I also want to say, another similar film, Year One (2009), also being a sword & sandal/comedy, was designed much better than this film. With that being said, I still want to emphasize that I had a good time.

Danny McBride wrote this film and it offers a unique look into what the world would be like, if he was in the Renaissance era. What really hurt this film was the first 15 minutes. Danny dishes out some unoriginal comedy and predictable setup in the beginning, but it seemed like he saved the good stuff for last. What really surprised me was the fact that this was also an action-fantasy film with warlocks, witches, dragons, etc. I did not realize that from the trailer, so it was a nice surprise. The effects look really good and the adventure is fun to follow. Basically, it is a "quest film" and our heroes must rescue Prince Fabious' (James Franco), bride to be, from an evil warlock.

The comedy is juvenile, but it works among the rest of the components, that director David Gordon Green, McBride and the rest of the crew decided to use. I did notice a lot of editing mistakes and James Franco still looked as cardboard and lost like he did on Oscars night that year, but I am a Franco fan and despite those short-comings, his approach seems to work in the film, especially since one of the main ingredients to the script is drug use. You can't say enough about Natalie Portman though. She lights up the film and ends up being the toughest character and biggest hero in the film.

7.6 (C+ MyGrade) = 7 IMDB
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Critics are idiots
masondixonkid16 August 2011
This movie was made to make you laugh and that is exactly what it does. No real depth or signifigant underlying message to speak of, just a lot of raunchy humor to split your sides. I laughed the whole way through the movie and you will too if you have at least one funny bone in your body. There is so much filthy humor in this movie that is in no way suitable for children, but hey we adults need some idiocracy of our own every now and then and that is exactly what this movie brings to the table. Purely brilliant idiocracy. The best kind there is. It has a great cast and Danny McBride is hilarious as usual. Definitely worth watching. Be forewarned, it is DIRTY!!!
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What a waste
rmh518510 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
A waste of a talented cast and director. Having enjoyed Pineapple Express, I had hopes for this film. But wow, it took about 10 minutes for those hopes and expectations to plummet. Every joke was predictable and obvious, a high schooler probably could have done this better. And to make it worse, it went on far too long. There's probably about 20 minutes that could have been cut from this and it would have been a merciful bit of slicing had it happened. There might have been a good movie somewhere within the general idea, maybe that should have been the characters quest, finding a worthwhile script. Because they didn't have one to work with here. Though they can thank one of their own for that.
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Not for everybody but I liked it
TheLittleSongbird3 September 2011
Okay, I can understand why people mayn't like this film, the story while simple and often charming is also predictable and daft and the gags are on the puerile and lowbrow side. The script however while going overboard perhaps with the expletives is very funny and perhaps quotable. It is a well made movie, with good cinematography, clean and colourful sets and costumes that look more than fancy dress. The characters are engaging and charming particularly Deschannel's character. The cast are terrific, Danny McBride looks clearly comfortable and Zooey Deschannel is also in an ideal role. Natalie Portman is both sexy and feisty, Justin Thereaux nearly steals the show and Charles Dance and Toby Jones are a delight to watch. Overall, not for everybody but while not the best of the year I can think of much worse ways to spend your time. 7/10 Bethany Cox
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Your ultimate lowness
Meven_Stoffat11 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Your Highness is a movie, if there ever is one, that is an insult to the words "Gross-out" and "comedy" and the dash between the first two words. What's even more insulting is the fact that it came from such a talented director, David Gordon Green. That guy directed Pineapple Express, and a number of lower-key serious ones that are worth mention as well. But alas, Your Highness is an ultimately unfunny embarrassment of a film that makes the god-awful "Step Brothers" look hilarious.

The film's story is set in Medieval England and basically revolves around Thadeous, a lazy and fat stoner slob with a successful brother, Fabious. Fabious has just returned from saving his wife, Belladonna, from an evil wizard with three moms called Lezarre. As they are about to get married, on the wedding day, Lezarre kidnaps Belladonna and brings her back to his castle for the sole purpose of deflowering her, with the help of his three mothers. They take some guy I couldn't care about named Courtney as they go on their quest. Their quest includes many things such as masturbating a wizard creature thingy, ending up in a trap and blah blah blah... yeah.

That's about as much of a story you'll get from Your Highness. Because much of the film's potential to have a good story is wasted on jokes about sex, paedophilia, wearing a monster penis around your neck and a whole bunch of other gross and raunchy stuff that's too raunchy to be funny, and too dull to be even considered humour, even unfunny humour at that. The film basically subjects its audience to such nasty and gross stuff for the entire duration, and while I love gross-out humour, there's a fine line between gross and funny.

That's not to say there wasn't any funny moments, because there were, in fact, two: One where Thadeous goes around, stoned out of his mind, chasing sheep, and another being where they are under attack in a ritual including a beast which is controlled by a fat man's hand. I'm not gonna lie, I just spent 20 minutes trying to remember the parts I did think were funny. That's never a good sign. There were a couple chortles as well, but I can't even remember those parts. There's an incredible amount of gory violence in the film too, but the only reason the gore is so shocking is because of the rest of the film being so static and blasé. Despite the violence, the film is not much of an action movie. Problem is, it's not much of a comedy either, at least to people who know what funny actually means.

Overall, while this film is rated 18A in Canada, I find mys elf a number of years years past its intended target audience- that is, 14 year old tweens who find jokes about baby rape and other disgusting stuff funny. And mind you, I've been known around my friends as the one with the incredibly sick and twisted sense of humour, but even still, this film is just not funny. I would definitely recommend staying away from this flick, no matter how much you love gross humour or sick and twisted stuff.
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stupid...and FUN!
Dainius888831 July 2011
So this is one of those movies you get to enjoy no matter how stupid they are. "You Highness" mocks everything about medieval time movies, kings and knights, etc. by applying exaggeratively sarcastic and cynical humor. The humor is so superficially dull, that it really is funny due to the way it is applied to a movie about the middle ages. It's almost like a porno version of "Shreck", harshly speaking. Making jokes about genitals, sex, masculinity an such. It absolutely is nothing more than a movie to get some laughs out of, since the plot is definitely NOT on of the most superb stories you've ever seen in a movie, and the acting is rather fake, for the exception of Natalie Portman and maybe James Franco. Which is actually quite funny how two A list actors put a lot of effort into a movie so dumb. And another good thing about this film is that it actually looks really cool sometimes, especially at the end during the climax. So there you have it. It definitely isn't meant to be praised as a masterpiece of a movie. Just sit back and enjoy the stupidity of it.
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ginos_east_1420 April 2011
I'm gonna paraphrase Roger Ebert here: I hated this movie. Hated hated hated hated this movie. Hated it. Hated every stupid, simpering audience-insulting moment of it.

Look, I can rant all day about broad generalities, but I'm gonna hit the specifics. Your Highness is a pointless, wasteful, shameless pet project that Danny McBride thinks can be passed off as a comedy. Look, audiences go to watch high-fantasy movies because they're silly enough. We don't need a parody, because in a sense high fantasy is in and of itself a parody. We laugh at the goofiness that comes unintentionally, not when it is shoved down our throats.

There's no point discussing the plot. It is stupid, pointless, and predictable. I'll summarize. James Franco is the darling of the kingdom, Danny McBride is the black sheep. James Franco brings home Zooey Deschanel (who might as well be a mannequin, she gets so little screen time), who is subsequently kidnapped by the evil Justin Theroux. Thus, Franco drags McBride along for a quest to save her, and they meet Natalie Portman (who apparently needed to balance Black Swan with this stinker, I guess...) who joins them. That's all I can say.

This film IS funny at times, but for all the wrong reasons. The special effects for Theroux's magic are hilariously bad. Do they give Razzies for effects? The faux-accents that high fantasy characters are so known for are brutal coming out of the mouth of this crew, to the point that I wish there was a mute button in the theater.

None of the minor characters are helpful, either. I shake my head the most at Damien Lewis. Damien, buddy, you were wonderful as Major Richard Winters in Band of Brothers. Why do you stoop to the drudgery of this flick? There is no redeemable quality to his character: just a poorly written, betraying friend who is also apparently gay. I dunno, I guess they threw that in for laughs. Cue up the sarcastic laughter.

The ending of the movie is abrupt, and in a way appropriate. McBride ends with (spoiler alert...not that it really matters with this plot) "Fuck it. Let's kill that bitch." You know, delete the second sentence, and I think that you have a decent summary of what I am sure was McBride's attitude towards designing this movie. Stick to Kenny Powers, Danny. That's something you're hilariously good at. For all the right reasons.
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Underrated comedy
rbds229 August 2023
This movie flew under the radar for many people and missed the mark for a lot of critics out there. However it was fairly well put together with good acting and the storyline was fresh compared to previous movies. It offered something new like a dungeons & dragons feel with comedy. The comedy wasn't forced and the flow was natural with unexpected laughs. It was clever and witty and all of the actors played well together. This movie is at least a solid seven or better. Now the movie dungeons and dragons came out with comedy in it and it basically copied this movie yet it got much better reviews lol.
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The Worst Movie of the Year: I Award You No Points.
james-t-sheridan19 July 2012
Shame on everyone involved in this unmitigated disaster of a film: Danny McBride, James Franco, Natalie Portman, Justin Theroux, Zooey Deschanel, Toby Jones, and director David Gordon Green. Pathetic and sad, a colossal misfire as well as a pungent waste of money, resources, time, including mine for watching this sludge. A thirty-second preview for Danny McBride's uproariously filthy HBO show Eastbound & Down is funnier than the entirety of Your Highness, a wannabee-stoner film that cannot even milk its drug use for laughs. Neither cursing, nor McBride's goofiness can save this film from falling to the bottom of the heap. The very bottom. There has to be a bottom, and this film is it.

Zero stars.

So, I'm handing out punishments for this film, the lowest rating I've given for the entire year so far.

James Franco should be forced to watch his performance in this film on a loop over and over again with his eyes held open ala A Clockwork Orange.

Natalie Portman should have to return her Black Swan Best Actress Academy Award and never speak of her involvement in this film ever.

Justin Theroux should have to stop dating Jennifer Aniston.

And director David Gordon Green?

To paraphrase the classic film comedy Billy Madison, Mr. Green, what you've just created ... is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever watched. At no point in your rambling, incoherent film were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational (or funny) thought. Everyone who has seen Your Highness is now dumber for having watched it.

I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
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I usually agree with critical reviews, but...
greg-goremykin8 September 2018
...this film was a whole lot of fun. It is a fantastic spoof of all those usually pretty bad sword and sorcery movies that came out after Conan the Barbarian and Excalibur were huge hits. It also is a satire of the over-the-top vulgarity of many early 80s comedy hits, and it even takes it up a notch.

To borrow from Rob Reiner/Christopher Guest, they took all these elements and turned them up to 11. This film is about excess and it pulls it off fantastically. It's meant to be a genre-busting stoner movie, and, yes, it's sexist, but this is a *satire*, a point I think a lot of viewers and even more critics missed.

I just watched this now, 7 years later, because I was turned away from it by all the horrible reviews and I'm very grateful I was bored today and gave it a try. Watch it with a bud (nudge, nudge, wink, wink), you will *not* be disappointed. I think we need more films like this that take risks and push boundaries like Animal House and the Blues Brothers as two very apt examples did back in the day.

The comedic genre is increasingly mixed with dramatic content, and even comedies that do well at the box-office don't rate well it seems (a 6.5 on IMDB is fantastic rating for a comedy in my experience, which goes to show how stale a genre can get when it rests on its laurels, and for comedy especially, which at it's core is about pushing boundaries and taking chances, and has been since Duck Soup, Modern Times, etc.).

And good for David Gordon Green to make a movie that he felt like making, one he and I'm sure his friends would enjoy. It looks like it would be a blast making this movie, too. I love his more serious films like Joe, All The Real Girls, Undertow, Snow Angels, etc., mostly dramatic pieces that received critical acclaim. It makes me respect him all the more by moving to comedy when he feels like it like with this film and Pineapple Express; I think is part of the reason why he's one of my favourite directors, one where everyone of his films I've really enjoyed. I always hope that he gets his due credit someday if for no other reason than to lead viewers to some of his lesser known gems, or ones that were unfairly panned by critics who didn't seem to think about what he was trying to achieve, like with Your Highness.
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Crude and immature, yet still funny at times.
krachtm21 July 2012
This movie was incredibly crude, immature, and stupid. However, it was also funny at times. I didn't find it nearly as bad as the critics, but I'm not quite ready to proclaim it a future cult classic. If you're easily offended, this is definitely the wrong movie for you. It's highly offensive, with a constant stream of vulgarities and crude sexual humor. Interestingly, there's some pretty good special effects, sets, and award-winning actors. It's like someone decided to give millions of dollars to a bunch of stoners to make their masterpiece. The resulting movie is no masterpiece, but it's certainly better than the critics made it out to be. If you're the kind of person who will laugh at anything no matter how stupid it is, you'll probably like this movie. If you have actual standards and demand that movies be tactful and intelligent, you'll probably hate it.
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Stupid beyond belief
Maleplatypus25 December 2011
This sad excuse for a movie is insulting viewers' intelligence. Truly stupid beyond belief and not funny whatsoever, deserves two stars only because technical aspects are rather well carried out. It is hard to believe that out here exist such a low life that can enjoy this. Recently I've watched "Idiocracy" (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0387808/) and "Your Highness" perfectly fits in there presented "future" society. Maybe this movie announces the "new era" already. I've watched it with more than a few FWDs and still could not bear it. It's the bottom of the Hollywood junk pile. Anyway, I do not recommend it to the people with IQ over 60. Consider yourself warned.
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A cross between 'Krull' & 'The Inbetweeners'!
CRGLancashireUK5 August 2011
An interesting, comedic twist on the 'Fantasy Quest' genre! Lot's of 'schoolboy' humour and a large number of expletives, kept me entertained anyway!

It's a sort of 'Krull' meets 'The Inbetweeners' and I found myself laughing occasionally and smiling throughout! How they managed to get a pretty impressive cast, I don't know but, it all worked well, in my humble opinion.

It was Danny MacBride's previous incarnations which enticed me to watch the movie and he didn't disappoint! Almost as politically incorrect as many of his other roles albeit with a slightly anglicised accent, added to the fun.

It's likely to be panned by the critics but, if you want a light hearted romp for 105 minutes, don't mind gratuitous references to unnatural sexual acts, unexpected 21st Century expletives in a Medieval environment and Natalie Portman saying the odd 'F' word, then you may well enjoy this.

I have only written one previous review, for a film which had good reviews and I thought was crap! 'Your Highness' is the complete opposite, in my opinion and, as such has prompted my second review.

I will watch it again, not with my youngest daughter who is an ordained minister but with my eldest who is an A & E Nurse. Say no more.
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Vulgar, unfunny, gross and perverse...
mygeneralbox2 August 2011
Waste of time and money. I regret that I watched this movie and wasted my time on it. I didn't laugh even once. Watching this movie you are constantly subjected to distasteful sexual "jokes", gore, violence and the worst part is that it's not even funny as I think it was meant to be.

What a waste of time and money to make such an awkward movie with such a poor story. One of the worst movies I've ever seen, which is why I was compelled to make a review just to save others from the misery of watching this movie.

I wonder how one could accept to participate in the production of this movie reading the screenplay, which is written by a sick and perverse mind.
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Excellent - reminded me of The Princess Bride
marcuskavanagh-27 March 2011
Not a long review, but agree with previous reviewer..this is a future classic comedy film along the lines of Monty Python, Princess Bride or Evil Dead 3. This is just to say I found comedic connections to these classic comedies, I am not comparing movies. I was lucky enough to see a very early screening of this last week and it is so refreshing to see a comedy like this, after so many over-hyped and unfunny comedy movies - no need to mention any names. Superbly funny movie! I normally only smile through so-called comedies....but this a laughing out loud movie..I think it will be so popular when it's released in UK late April.
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A new depth in film making with Your Highness
fatsamuraireviews20 April 2011
I thought the AC was on in the theater because I felt a breeze. As it turns out the breeze was coming from all of the sucking from the screen. There is not enough red in the world to express how bad this movie was. I am a fan of at least two of the performers, so I thought if nothing else, I could see past all of the poor aspects of this film and focus on them. No, I couldn't. I ended up feeling sorry for them and wondering what tragic series of events resulted in them performing in this movie. Perhaps they lost a bet. I typically try and say something good about a movie even if I did not like it. So, let me think. Hum. Oh, I have one; I never have to see this movie again.

See my full review at http://fatsamuraireviews.blogspot.com/2011/04/your-highness.html
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This Is Great Movie For Those Looking For Crude, Immature Humor!! It Is A Lot Of Fun!
Foutainoflife11 July 2018
This was really funny at times. I enjoyed it. It is supposed to be pervertedly humorous and it really served well. If you are just looking for a few laughs check it out. If you are uptight and are looking for dramatic romance full of medieval sword fighting this probably will not suit your needs.
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Completely awful
one_armed_freddy16 January 2012
I could find nothing I liked in this film. It was not funny or interesting and at best, I was bored.

The cast should be ashamed of themselves, there are some good actors here who are surely above this.

Too often when films rely on improvised dialogue the result is an incoherent showcase of actors having a whale of a time while the audience are left alienated and disappointed at being left out of the joke and Your Highness is one of the worst offenders. I'm sure they had a great time making the film, but that doesn't make for an enjoyable viewing experience.

Though, having said that, this film would still have been awful with a script.
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File under "Failure"
neil-47621 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I badly wanted to like this. The trailer was tempting, with some hopeful gags.

And there was stuff in it I liked - I liked the look of it, and the special effects were fine. The story was OK and the idea was good.

And then we come to what I didn't like.

One, the F word is not a joke in and of itself. Sometimes it can fuel a joke: here, it mostly didn't.

Two, there seems to be a belief that if you make your central character a loud mouthed, ignorant, offensive oaf, that is funny. Well, Danny McBride in Your Highness joins Jonah Hill in Superbad and Rob Corddry in Hot Tub Time Machine as characters whose company I disliked so resoundingly that I didn't want to spend time with them. To be fair, there were others in the cinema who laughed at what I didn't.

Zooey Deschanel was wasted.

Natalie Portman's rear end was cute.

James Franco affected some weird sibilant speech impediment for reasons which escaped me.

This should have been much better and the fact that it wasn't can only be attributed to McBride, whose idea of comedy (in terms of writing and performing) clearly doesn't coincide with mine.
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The world would be a better place without this monstrosity of a 'film'
jamesconnor200828 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Going to see this film wasn't a deliberate attempt on my behalf. Having missed the screening of an earlier film, a woman working at the cinema suggested going to see this cinematic diatribe. I ultimately regret actually even leaving the house for this dumbfounded excuse for a film, and ended up walking out about half way through. I only stayed to ensure that the extortionate price I'd paid for my popcorn and the cinema ticket wasn't complete waste of money.

The problem with the film in my eyes is that it was just puerile and unfunny humour for the sake of puerile and unfunny humour. Even in another comedy such as The Hangover, I at least cared about the main protagonists in the plot, and it was at least something I could relate to. I didn't really care if Prince Fabious and his fat jealous and spoilt brother completed their quest or not. Nor did I think that the anachronism of using modern day profanities in what was trying to be passed for a medieval context was funny. In fact, it was an unfunny joke which wore rather thin after the first 10 minutes. What's really rather infuriating is the estimated budget of nearly $50 Million! Where did the money disappear into the cracks of this terrible film? I understand that a considerable amount of the film was improvised and unscripted. I think this puts paid to the general malaise and complete lack of interest and disconnect I felt for any of the characters.

I consider myself to have somewhat of an immature sense of humour at times, and don't claim to be the most cultured person in the world. I still felt however that this film really did fall short of either a comedy, or a cult film. I don't know why other people on this site are calling it a 'cult classic'. It's not even a kitsch film which was made on a shoe-string budget with a lesser known director. I could have had at least had some sympathy for the outcome of this disaster if that had been the case.

It's always unfortunate that hindsight is a wonderful thing, and it's a shame that the last minute decision to see this film was based on a whimsical recommendation by a member of the cinema staff who was probably being facetious, and knew how much of a rotten tomato this film really is. If you have the chance to, please stay away from this one.
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Another movie WAY underrated. One of a kind.
Seriously what's wrong with people?

Here, we have ourselves one of the best hommages to the fantasy genre.

It has everything. Evil sorcerers, monsters, battles, conspiracy, cart chases, lush sets and costumes, an army of good actors.

What's not to like?

There's even a great score that is worthy of a great fantasy movie.

Oh yeah, and most of the people who made this were probably stoned the whole time.

Your Highness manages to balance everything almost perfectly.

Despite all its sillyness, it *still* works perfectly as an immersive fantasy movie.

It is probably best seen in a double feature after "Stardust", another tongue-in-cheek fantasy movie that is admittedly more polished, but similar in its approach.

Your Highness just has more THC in it.
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Uptight Critics!
darklydreamingrahu30 July 2011
This movie is more entertaining than the elite movie reviewing stiffs would have you believe. Ebert said "Your Highness is a juvenile excrescence that feels like the work of 11-year-old boys in love with dungeons, dragons, warrior women, pot, boobs and four-letter words." I agree with him. Where we draw differences is to him, that alone makes it a poor film. If you didn't expect to see a dirty fantasy comedy romp set in medieval times with magic, dragons, drugs, boobs, and violence then what did you expect from this team? The comedy and action style is very similar to Pineapple Express. Danny McBride is hilarious and so is James Franco. Natalie Portman looks like she's having a blast in this role and it is really fun to see her let loose.

I will admit that a few of the jokes missed their marks....particularly when trying to mesh the language barriers, but it is easily overlooked. Also some of the plot feels rushed at times given the large scale it is trying to achieve. I would have been happier with a longer runtime with a bit more plot development, or if that wasn't possible at least some smoother transitions between plot devices.

The action is fun and surprisingly well done. There were times where I was smiling not because of a joke but simply because I was having fun watching a scene. Like Pineapple Express, Your Highness has a heavy focus on meticulously shot high octane action sequences with a thirst for realistic violence. There is more action here than Pineapple Express.

The acting is awesome. The leads have a great chemistry and play off each other well and Natalie Portman is sexy as always. Portman is a real scene stealer here sometimes as the dubious swashbuckling adventurer. Nobody is "Fu**ing to make dragons" on her watch. The rest of the cast is just okay. No real standouts and all pretty one dimensional. That's not a big issue though since their screen time is limited.

The setting is amazing. Shot in Ireland, the backdrops and beauty of the environment is on full display as they trek across the land. Really I think they should have utilized the beauty of the scenery more than they did. They were obviously going for an epic feel to the film and they had the perfect location for that type of feel. They should have used more panned back shots of wilderness to get that sense of adventure and peril across. As it stands though, there are still some wonderfully shot scenes of the gorgeous landscape.

The plot is strange. While there is a hint of complexity, it is never delved into. It ends up feeling shallow and under worked. Stop the bad guys and save the girl. There was room for much more to be happening in this film but it is wasted on subplots that go nowhere and the brother jealousy theme which doesn't ever feel resolved. This is where Your Highness suffer the most. Too much filler.

Overall Your Highness is a fun movie. It isn't Lord of the Rings but it doesn't have to be. Danny McBride and James Franco are funny guys and they work well with each other. The adventure and action is fun to watch and there are laughs to be had if you aren't a prude or in a terrible mood. If you like fantasy and raunchy comedy this is right up your alley. Unfortunately, some of the stale lines and poor plot development keep this from being a great comedy. Watch it only as a popcorn flick to pass the time or watch with friends. 7/10
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Waste Of Time
FilmMan4710 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
watching this crap is wastage of time & nothing more

.even if you are bored as hell don't watch this movie.

watch wwe anytime this movie is worst of 2011 the story is gay & the cast is also bad plus i lost respect for Natalie Portman how could she start in this junk.

.. 2 hours of mind killing & boring story forced jokes & in the end Natalie port man shows whats inside her panties to a beard man..urrrh.

Hollywood is running out of stories the trailer even looked bad don't know why I've watched this.but i will warn you please do not watch this at any cost. & don't listen to the good reviews stay away from this.

my rating is 1/10 awful film
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