23 Skidoo (1965) Poster


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23 Skidoo
CinemaSerf11 February 2024
However this was actually achieved, it's quite an affecting short feature that depicts a Montreal completely devoid of people. There is no-one on the streets, on the trains or in the offices. The parks are empty, the malls silent. Only a telex suggests offers a potential explanation. At this point you start to notice that it's not just a lack of people - but there are no cats, dogs, or birds either. The audio track provides us with the sounds we ought to be hearing when we visit a football stadium, a playground or a bedroom - but still, not a living thing in sight. There are still trees, though... Eerie!
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We got the neutron bomb
JohnSeal9 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The neutron bomb made plenty of headlines throughout the 1970s (as well as inspiring songs by Los Angeles punk bands The Controllers and The Weirdos), but this remarkable Canadian short subject makes it clear that the weapon that leaves buildings standings while eliminating people (and any other living things) was already in development - and no longer a secret - at some point during the previous decade. Filmed in deserted Montreal locations, 23 Skidoo makes this very plain when we see a hastily abandoned and incomplete type-written story about the neutron bomb amidst its scenes of barren big city emptiness. A chilling and eerie 8 minutes.
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