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MPAA Rated PG-13 for sequences of violence and some sensuality/nudity

Sex & Nudity

  • A woman is lying next to the king with lots of side breast visible and briefly her nipple is technically visible but it is sort of dark and hard to see anything.
  • Men having conversation regarding women's breasts: "If you'd seen the t*ts that just walked out... a good pair of t*ts ...the feel of a plump, pink nipple between my lips ...forgiveness isn't sweeter than a plump nipple."
  • "If you'd seen the t*ts that just walked out... a good pair of t*ts ...the feel of a plump, pink nipple between my lips...forgiveness isn't sweeter than a plump nipple."
  • The ladies' costumes are all very low-cut and nearly revealing in many cases throughout the movie.
  • Porthos brings three prostitutes to make love to him and Aramis, but Aramis is busy praying. Porthos tells the girls, "He is hung like a donkey." One replies, "So are you."
  • Porthos and Aramis have a fairly explicit conversation about the importance of women's breasts in the overall scheme of things.
  • While D'Artagnan is attempting to find the King and persuade him that Athos' son shouldn't be sent to the front lines, he hears the King in one of his apartments having relations with a woman in his bed.
  • Porthos is seen frolicking with 3 women in a pile of hay in a barn. He also makes a metaphorical reference to impotence by saying that his "sword is bent" and one of the women says that she can straighten if for him. Shortly after, you see his nude buttocks three times, including one time when he is bent over with his buttocks pointed straight at the camera.
  • The king is seen in bed with a woman apparently having just finished having sex. He leaves the bed and the woman is seen sitting up, apparently nude, but covering herself with the sheet.
  • Porthos interrupts the business of a brothel to have the ladies do some sewing for him. In the process several semi-clad men are seen leaving. Porthos tells the women to get to work except for one that he singles out apparently to have sex with while the others work.
  • Some kissing.
  • We see Queen Anne during childbirth.

Violence & Gore

  • A girl is seen after she's hanged herself.
  • Aramis punches Louis, knocking him out.
  • We see a great deal of sword-fighting throughout.
  • Louis orders one of his advisers to be executed (for making a decision that was entirely Louis' idea, despite the advisers warning him against it). Louis then says any more rioters are to be shot immediately.
  • Louis pushes his mother and then slaps his brother. He attempts to do worse to his brother, but D'Artanian intervenes.


  • "Shit", "hell", "damnation", "piss" and "tits" are said.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

  • When the King is having dinner with Christine, there is wine in glasses on the table and they both drink some after he makes a toast.
  • We hear that D'Artanian was blind-stinking drunk when Queen Anne gave birth.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • When the mask is taken off of the twin brother, the sounds he makes and the apparent pain he is in may seem frightening to some.
  • And when the mask is placed back on him, he screams in absolute horror as if he is being truly damned.


The Parents Guide items below may give away important plot points.

Sex & Nudity

  • It is learned that the Queen Mother has had children as a result of an affair. And we see the affair has been carrying on for quite some time.

Violence & Gore

  • During the outdoor party, after the King takes Christine aside, someone attempts to kill the king. D'Artagnan instead wounds the man with his sword (whipping in into the air like a Frisbee), and the King stabs the man with the man's own dagger.
  • Athos' son dies in a very short battle scene.
  • Athos attempts to kill some of the guards and stabs one with a dagger. When it is withdrawn, there is a brief blood spurt and blood on the dagger. D'Artanian tackles Athos and talks him out of all this.
  • Porthos attempts to hang himself by a barn rafter. But the sabotaged beam breaks and he falls to the ground hard, the entire barn collapses all around him.
  • The Three Musketeers attempt to abduct Louis while using Philippe as their impostor--Athos holds a knife to Louis' throat. But then D'Artanian holds one to Phillipe's throat. As the former musketeers are taking the King away in the mask, the royal musketeers fight the former musketeers. Louis orders Philippe to be re-captured and he does, but the formers escape.

See also

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