2 Reviews
Michael_Elliott27 February 2008
Pays Loins, Les (1965)

** (out of 4)

Short film from the French director has a couple getting lost in a maze of streets and when they find themselves back out in the open, they have no idea where they are or how they got there. The idea behind this short is pretty interesting but nothing really comes of it as the film just wonders around without too much thought of where it's going.

You can find this short on Redemption's DVD of Rollin's classic THE IRON ROSE, which has some similarities to this film. The film comes with a very good picture and English subtitles.
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A start
BandSAboutMovies10 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A couple becomes lost around the rubble, bricks and suddenly closing in maze of buildings in a place they have never been that becomes more confusing and also much more confining within just sixteen minutes of running time, but just like that idea of a second in the afterlife being thousands of years in our human experience, that sixteen minutes gives director and writer Jean Rollin time to stretch out and drug our your brain and create a rough pass at a movie that goes even further and gets so much more right, The Iron Rose.

Things would get better, as well as more obtuse and at the same time more layered. That said, the discordant jazz, black and white cinematography and idea that langauge doesn't work any longer are powerful and sets us up for something that will grow and fester.
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