Free Birds (2013)
I don't care what the critics say, I found this movie entertaining.
11 November 2013
Two turkeys (Owen Wilson and Woody Harrelson) from different back grounds, are somewhat paired together, when they stumble onto a government experiment that involves time travel, when they get into the time machine, they ask it named Steve(voiced by George Takei) to take them for the first Thanksgiving, in order to prevent it, set all turkeys free.

This film is getting a lot of negative reviews, I still can't figure, It's just a fun entertaining film, with incredible animation, and all the actors doing there voices seems like there having fun. It has one heart felt moment, but other than that this film does not take itself seriously. The jokes are laugh out loud funny, some may dislike it, and some may not. But I liked it, although this movie is not for everybody.
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