Dear Wendy (2005)
21 August 2005
In 1996, Trainspotting the movie burst out of the trap and, before long, a thousand student digs were plastered in ubiquitous orange posters. It's telling Wendy's poster campaign (an iconic-looking line-up of cocky young outlaws) closely mirrors that film's, because the pair have much in common; heaps of style over not a lot of substance. And both, of course, concern youngsters shooting up; literally, in Wendy's case. In a hyper-real mining town Dick (Bell, flat as ballet pumps) forms the Dandies – dedicated to their pistols, but equally dedicated to pacifism. Obviously, it can't last. It looks good, sounds good (with the Zombies on the soundtrack), but as satire it's very heavy-handed – all too transparently revealing the pen of its screenwriter Lars Von Trier. Cute, but a bit of a misfire.
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