cute, fun, and meaningful
3 November 2000
well instead of being philosophical and talk about the obvious political messages of this great film, i'll just review it.

I thought that it was perfectly overacted, beautifully filmed, wonderfully funny, and very meaningful. Its unusual to see a comedy that makes you think. This is probably my favorite gay themed film of all time, finally surpassing RHPS.

There was no one outstanding scene, every scene was surreal and hilarious. from mink stole getting upset that her daughter eats tofu to rock getting sexy with a rake.

There was lots of great romantic and fun parts particuarly between grahm and meghan.

go rent it asap! its the best movie made in a long time.

9 out of 10, could've used some less stereotypical guys, but the range of different types of lesbians makes up for this.
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