
  • Reino Unido Spencer (mais)
Trailer 3

Streaming (1)


O casamento da Princesa Diana e do Príncipe Carlos há muito se transformou numa relação gélida. Entre abundantes rumores de casos extraconjugais e divórcio, a paz é encomendada para celebrar as festividades de Natal na propriedade real de Sandringham House. Há comida e bebida, tiro ao alvo e caça. Diana conhece o jogo. Mas desta vez, as coisas vão ser muito diferentes. Spencer uma ficção do que se poderá ter passado nesses fatídicos dias. (Cinemundo)


Vídeos (16)

Trailer 3

Críticas (4)


todas as críticas do utilizador

inglês I guess we "all" got a slightly different film than the trailer had us expecting. The whole movie depends primarily on K. Stewart, who is convincing in the role of Diana and manages to draw the viewer to the very fragile and sensitive boundary of the personality that is being portrayed here. However, I could say that apart from the main character, who basically saves the whole movie, the rest is not worth much attention. The costumes and setting are excellent, but the plot itself not so much. It's mainly about looking inwardly into Diana's soul, and the suffering and pain she felt due to the Royal Family and all its rules. ()


todas as críticas do utilizador

inglês I was lured to the screening of Spencer by the (quite surprising to me) casting of Kristen Stewart – I was curious to see how she would handle the role – and the obvious attempt to take an unconventional approach to the story of Diana, even if it was fiction, as mentioned in the film's opening. After watching it, I have mixed feelings. Stewart definitely portrays Diana in an unconventional way and her performance drags the film, both up and down. There is a sense of the film trying to evoke an uncomfortable and oppressive atmosphere within the royal family, and though at times it succeeds, it still feels quite off in places. If we understand Spencer as a projection of the main character's internal struggle onto the screen, it can be forgiven for plot fuzziness to the point of instability, which I assume was the director's intention. A weaker three stars! ()



todas as críticas do utilizador

inglês Even with the third Larraín film I've seen, I can't quite grasp why the director chooses the subjects he does, why he understands them the way he does, and why he emphasizes certain things over others. As a result, it delivers a very unpredictable experience for me, even the third time around. This is truly a horror film where that horror is represented by an evil rarely seen but that can thus appear only from the position of the neurotic and manic Diana, through whose lens we watch almost the entire film, even though it is virtually impossible to fathom her. Greenwood's music, the uncomfortable editing, the fantastic period cinematography, and the focused performances of practically everyone involved (Timothy Spall stands and looks straight ahead, and you get physically nauseous) perhaps obscure the fact that the film is actually rather banal. Then again, what horror film isn't? ()


todas as críticas do utilizador

inglês The sad princess that I remember from my childhood has become a hallucinating, self-centered bulimic that feeds her kids unhealthy food. Stewart’s acting is superb, I just don’t like who she acts. Larraín tries to copy Terrence Malick, but without the directing skills and without Lubezki. Hesitant wanderings around a cold and wet England with a crazy woman for a guide. To add to things, Greenwood gives us background music suitable for committing suicide to. P.S.: The Queen’s only one-liner in the entire movie resonates nicely. You understand, my dear, that all you are is currency. ()

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