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When a prisoner transfer van is attacked, the cop in charge must fight those inside and outside while dealing with a silent foe: the icy temperatures. (Netflix)

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Críticas (5)


todas as críticas do utilizador

inglês A very underrated thriller from Spain that, although it does not reach the quality of its predecessors and may not be remembered as a classic in a year, does not mean that it is not exciting, suspenseful, and entertaining. An armored vehicle with six prisoners is attacked at night by a mysterious assailant who has a grudge against one of the prisoners, but is willing to execute anyone if they do not cooperate. Javier Gutiérrez is a proven actor who became famous primarily for During the Storm and The Occupant, so there is no shortage of solid performances, and the characters of the prisoners are also interesting and appropriately unpleasant in their own way. The film deals the cards quite quickly, but it can occasionally surprise with an interesting twist. It is sufficiently suspenseful, sometimes gripping, and unexpectedly brutal at times (a severed hand, a fire extinguisher, a screw), and for that, I commend it. I am also satisfied with the final resolution, which, although not shocking, definitely makes sense. I am satisfied, I had a great time. A small but solid hit from this year on Netflix. Story****, Action***, Humor**, Violence***, Entertainment****, Music***, Visuals***, Atmosphere****, Tension****. 7.5/10. ()


todas as críticas do utilizador

inglês A fairly decent crime film from Spain, which, while not offering anything particularly original, kept me engaged throughout its 106 minutes without any moments that bored me to death. Javier Gutierrez did a stellar job as the policeman, and I need to catch up on his filmography (especially Marshland). The rest of the cast didn’t particularly impress, but they proved they weren’t a group out of an amateur theater troupe. The film included a few more brutal moments (the scene where a hand is blown off with a shotgun stands out for me), and there was effort put into the script, but this is where I see the main downside. There were times when I was incredulously shaking my head, wondering why certain characters behaved, with all due respect, like complete idiots, plus various script holes, which is a pity. The visuals were quite decent; occasionally, you can spot the green screen, but overall, it was well-executed. The antagonist’s motivation was somewhat predictable, but the ending pleasantly surprised me, providing enough catharsis for a satisfying resolution. All in all, it’s a 6.5/10 from me. ()



todas as críticas do utilizador

inglês A fairly attractive and atmospheric thriller, up until the last ten minutes or so, when they reveal the motivations of the killer, which don’t make much sense given his previous behaviour. Unfortunately, that almost ruins the film, but up until then I was having really good fun. ()


todas as críticas do utilizador

inglês A pretty uninteresting thing from Spain, it isn't rubbish, but has absolutely nothing to impress. The synopsis says it all and nothing much happens in those 106 minutes. The ending is equally unengaging and boring. In this year's movie rush, I recommend skipping this one and saving yourself some time. ()


todas as críticas do utilizador

inglês A solid, straightforward Spanish action flick. The cast seems like they just escaped from a prison somewhere, lucked out, and landed roles in this film. It's a shame, though, that the ending totally defies logic. Still, it’s a fun ride while it lasts! ()

Galeria (12)