David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet


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A broadcaster recounts his life, and the evolutionary history of life on Earth, to grieve the loss of wild places and offer a vision for the future. (Netflix)

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Críticas (10)


todas as críticas do utilizador

português David Attenborough conta a história da sua vida, e contra o pano de fundo das mudanças que ocorreram na Terra nas últimas décadas, surge com um apelo evidente e claramente compreensível sobre o tema ecológico. O filme serve assim não só como uma recapitulação perfeita da carreira deste famoso realizador de documentários, mas também como uma mensagem importante sobre o estado do ambiente, que, no entanto, apresenta sugestões e visões construtivas em vez de procurar os responsáveis. ()


todas as críticas do utilizador

português A mensagem de vida de Attenborough em breves palavras. Apresentado de forma um pouco simplista, mas graças a isto, talvez finalmente compreensível mesmo para aqueles que têm de pensar sobre isto em primeiro lugar. ()



todas as críticas do utilizador

inglês An epitaph of humanity with room for a potentially successful future happy ending that is shrouded in uncertainty and question marks. Attenborough communicates it simply, engagingly and clearly. The idea is evident. An absolutely essential documentary that should not be missed by anyone. ()


todas as críticas do utilizador

inglês David Attenborough, at the twilight of his life, has crafted a reflection on everything he’s witnessed, and with his vast experience as an explorer and naturalist, he lays it out plainly—things are bad, and a lot needs to change if we’re going to dig ourselves out. I couldn’t agree more with his message, and I hope the world takes inspiration from those leading the charge to reduce our carbon footprint. Yes, the change starts with us, and while I believe Europe is making solid efforts compared to places like the U.S. or Asia, it would be incredible if humanity could come together and tackle this as a united front. Otherwise, we’re doomed. The documentary is stunning—thoughtful, straightforward, and full of hope, the kind of hope we all need to motivate us to start making a difference. ()


todas as críticas do utilizador

inglês David Attenborough puts an exclamation mark on the amazing series A Life on Our Planet. At the age of 94, it is a very personal confession of someone who was lucky enough to see a lot of beautiful things, and at the same time unlucky to have also seen them disappear. And you may wonder, who else but this admirable man should be explaining to humanity how stupid humans are and what can be done about it? If you only have to watch one documentary in your life, let it be this one. ()

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