
Existe a teoria que o ser humano devia nascer com uma pequena quantidade de álcool no sangue e que a embriaguez moderada abre as mentes para o mundo ao nosso redor, diminuindo os problemas e aumentando a criatividade. Atentos a esta teoria, Martin e três dos seus amigos, professores cansados do ensino secundário, embarcam numa experiência para manter um nível constante de intoxicação durante o dia de trabalho. Se Churchill venceu a Segunda Guerra Mundial ébrio, quem sabe o que alguns copos podem fazer por eles e pelos seus alunos? Os resultados iniciais são positivos e o pequeno projeto dos professores transforma-se num verdadeiro estudo académico. Mas rapidamente fica claro que a experiência, ainda que interessante, traz consequências. (Films4you)


Vídeos (2)

Trailer 2

Críticas (10)


todas as críticas do utilizador

inglês To paraphrase Homer Simpson, sometimes alcohol is the cause of and solution to all of life’s problems. Vinterberg has a fresh and well-written screenplay to work with and, above all, collaboration with the famous Sturla Brandth Grøvlen, who managed to combine realism and camera kinetics into a form where one really feels close to being intoxicated. Yes, in some ways it's like a model-driven drama in the vein of The Hunt, where you feel like you know where it's headed. But Vinterberg managed to be painfully personal and civil, something he desperately couldn't do in the dead film The Commune. His characters and their drunken movement of reality are completely free of morality, and there is something unusually sincere in this film. While Vinterberg occasionally worked as a mannerist or apathetic silver screen worker after The Celebration, urgency and sarcastic energy prevail here. This film is one of the best dramatizations of emptiness and the feeling of worthlessness that comes at a certain age. At the same time, Another Round brilliantly captures the fleeting feelings of euphoria and the moments when a person gets the feeling that he has gotten the better of life (and is then immediately disappointed). This is a film about a painful search, a destructive friendship and also about the fact that catharsis does not necessarily mean finding an answer, but rather surrendering to the moment. With this final performance, Mikkelsen confirms his best form and, with his movement, describes something that I know very well. It is something I don't see all that often in a film in this transparent Nordic openness. ()


todas as críticas do utilizador

inglês Thomas Vinterberg, Mads Mikkelsen, and old friends from The Celebration (1998). Or the next generation of the Danish film miracle of the 90s. The Hunt (2012) was already brilliant and it will be great if Vinterberg and Mikkelsen find another common theme in the future. Another Round is one of those cinematic experiences that can be easily talked about as gems. ()



todas as críticas do utilizador

inglês With Hollywood, you never really know what you're going to get, but with European dramas, you can pretty much count on quality. Thomas Vinterberg, Mads Mikkelsen, Thomas Bo Larsen... that's the crème de la crème of Danish cinema. And a film about drinking, told by Danes—whose youth are infamous across European cities—well, that says a lot already. From the opening scene, I was nodding along, knowing this would be a five-star psychological dive, the kind of film I always love from Scandinavia. It’s a total breakdown of society, exploring how alcohol can be both a savior and a destroyer. The story forces you to think, and the brilliant ending on the docks in Copenhagen reminded me of wandering around that same area with my girlfriend, wondering why booze is so expensive there. Honestly, the amount of alcohol consumed in this film probably cost more than the production itself—but hey, quality has its price. ()


todas as críticas do utilizador

inglês A great drama focused on the concept of somehow controlled alcoholism. Vinterberg again captures important details which he dresses in a plot about real problems of our age. The acting is top-notch, Mads is cleverly hidden away at first, only to become the powerhouse of the movie in the finale. Alcohol as a friend and as a destructive power. A picture about weaknesses. ()


todas as críticas do utilizador

inglês Intoxicating, incredibly intoxicating. A film that perfectly captures all the phases around alcohol. The positive ones, when booze miraculously makes us more fun, more cool, more relaxed people. But also the negative ones, when we wake up in a different place than we want or (according to our sober selves) should. In a state where we're not as well as we were a few hours ago. Now imagine if someone could translate all of this into a movie and film it exactly how you feel during these phases. It's hard to say why I’m not giving it the highest score. Maybe when I'm shivering around my apartment, glass in hand, to the final song and feeling like I own the world, I'll mark it up. Or after it airs on TV. We'll see. ()

Galeria (25)