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“Segundo Ato” é uma comédia romântica ao estilo de “Uma Mulher de Sucesso” e “Encontro em Manhattan”. Jennifer Lopez é Maya, uma mulher nos seus 40 anos que luta com as frustrações inerentes aos seus sonhos não realizados. Mas isso apenas até ela se deparar com uma oportunidade de provar a Madison Avenue que a sabedoria ‘das ruas’ é tão válida como a de quem tem um curso superior, e que nunca é tarde demais para um Segundo Ato… (Cinemundo)


Vídeos (6)

Trailer 1

Críticas (3)


todas as críticas do utilizador

inglês You can pretty much say that this is a terrible movie. And I actually kind of blame myself for that. Because no one would ever suggest that having JLo in it is a guarantee of quality cinematography. But you know, it's not good to be prejudiced. So I gave it a shot. And if it weren't for the craziest "plot twist" they came up with for basically no reason at all about halfway through the film, I probably would have said it was good. This way, though, I wonder if an 8-year-old kid accidentally got his hands on the script. Otherwise, this "idea" is an unfathomable mystery to me. 1.5 stars ()


todas as críticas do utilizador

inglês Easygoing relaxation that fulfills its purpose, if you expect nothing else from it. There could have been fewer slapstick jokes, preferably only one would have been enough. Unfortunately, the lesson the filmmakers are trying to teach is based on lies, which makes it meaningless. Although the current globalized world has long since ceased to operate on the principle of truth. Who today believes that the truth triumphs? And we behave accordingly. (40%) ()



todas as críticas do utilizador

inglês I’d like to magically get into this film. First, I’d fire all the employees of Franklin & Clarke and smear their faces with hand cream. Or the other way around. It depends on what would make them more hysterical. I’d kick enterprising girl JLo in her sexy backside for her still-same acting antics and shave that slimy mustache off her partner. I’d gladly treat that disgusting friend with swollen lips to waterboarding with a canister of white wine and ask Treat Williams if he’s tearing his hair out because of his presence here. And at the very end, hoping Batman wouldn’t be watching, I’d kick JLo again for her ridiculous wisdom. Right after I wiped my own vomit off my mouth, of course. Maybe this review sounds a bit deranged, but that’s what they turned me into. ()

Galeria (44)