
  • USA SOLO (título de trabalho)

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todas as críticas do utilizador

inglês The best way to overcome post-traumatic stress disorder is to induce more of it. Off to the island with him! There’s no Robinson Cruelso here. All potential horror elements appear half-heartedly, or not at all, and the funny ghost looks as if a child of the Babadook tried to draw a self-portrait with a crayon. From about halfway through, my mind was preoccupied only with whether the foam and razors for smooth leg shaving arrived by FedEx or through Amazon. ()


todas as críticas do utilizador

inglês The American production Prey is an example of a horror movie that develops more like a Robinson Crusoe movie at first, a nice survival movie that is not very edgy. Then there is a turning point where you almost feel like it could be something along the lines of Lord of the Flies, only to have yet another turning point that turns it into a real horror movie. However, I would have appreciated better special effects. ()
