China: The Panda Adventure

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Documentário / Drama
USA, 2001, 48 min


The fascinating natural habitat of the Giant Panda opens up to the public on this cinematic trip to China. Originally shot for the IMAX format, the action begins in 1936, with Ruth Harkness (Maria Bello) arriving in China to settle the estate of her late husband. A paradox lies at the heart of his death, which occurred while he was out observing the Giant Panda--he believed it was a peaceful creature, while hunter, Dakar Johnson (Xander Berkeley) believed them to be unruly, vicious animals. Sadly the actions of people like Johnson have made it hard for others to make up their own minds, as the Giant Panda teeters perilously on the brink of extinction. Harkenss sets out to observe the animals for herself so she can make up her own mind about them, and encounters some extraordinary scenes, which are superbly captured on film in this moving, historically fascinating release. (texto oficial do distribuidor)
