Viver na Noite

  • Brasil A Lei da Noite (mais)
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"A Lei da Noite" situa-se nos turbulentos anos 1920, quando a proibição da Lei Seca americana não interrompeu o fluxo de bebidas em estabelecimentos 'underground' dirigidos por mafiosos de boa lábia. A oportunidade de ganhar poder e dinheiro estava à disposição para qualquer homem com ambição e nervos suficientes, e Joe Coughlin, o filho do Superintendente da Polícia de Boston, há muito tempo deixou para trás sua rígida educação para sucumbir à adrenalina de ser um fora-da-lei. Mas, mesmo entre criminosos há regras, e Joe desobedece a maior delas: trair duplamente um poderoso chefão da máfia, roubando seu dinheiro e sua mulher. O romance ardente termina em tragédia, e Joe começa a trilhar uma rota de vingança, em que ambição, romance e traição o levam do submundo de Boston para os degraus esfumaçados dos porões de contrabando de rum na cidade de Tampa. (Warner Bros. Brasil)


Vídeos (9)

Trailer 1

Críticas (9)


todas as críticas do utilizador

português Eu também pensaria que vivia no céu, aqui e agora, tendo Sienna, Saldana e Ellen assim arranjadas à minha volta. É como se o Affleck fosse ainda mais entretido pelo fascínio das mulheres bonitas aqui do que os próprios gangsters. As suas personagens são filmadas com tanto cavalheirismo que o perdoará por todo o em redor. O que é uma tentativa dum drama retro ambicioso que é mais carregado do que pode lidar com dramaturgia. Menos teria sido mais. Caminho para Perdição de Mendes, por exemplo, que tinha menos personagens, mas um objetivo claro, pode falar a este respeito. E ela tratou do assunto com precisão e confiança. Affleck perde ambos nos lugares em Viver na Noite, e embora o resultado seja divertido e bom de ver, deixa a impressão dum fracasso criativo ao recordar especialmente o seu Argo perfeito. ()


todas as críticas do utilizador

inglês It was supposed to be a five-part miniseries or a three-hour film; then, it would benefit from the huge number of themes and great supporting characters. At the same time, the transformation of Affleck from a straight Boston scrounger to a mafia hood might not sound so unconvincing (at one point he assures us that he does not want to have anything to do with the world of organized crime; but after a moment he suddenly jumps into the position of a menacing boss). But when I think about the overload of storytelling, Live by Night is a fun, stimulating and time-relevant capture of a fragment from the history of the American South, which reflects a number of essential motifs. Solid work with period scenery, a good atmosphere, brisk action and a very fun side storyline and character - the main storyline needs more care and detail, but even so, I went along with the protagonist the entire time without any problems. The scene with KKK in a cigar factory is very, very relieving [75%]. ()



todas as críticas do utilizador

inglês I'm not too happy. I admire Ben Affleck for being able to direct, write the script and play the lead role, not many people can do that, but the film itself is rather bland. Of the modern gangster flicks I like Gangster Squad the best because of the fast-paced and gritty action. Live by Night features only two action scenes really, and that's at the beginning and at the end, which were very good, the intense car chase and the final shootout had some oomph. I enjoyed the few brisk deaths, but I found the flow of the film itself very uninteresting and tedious, if it was 30 minutes longer I probably couldn't handle it. 60% ()


todas as críticas do utilizador

inglês Everything I feared became a reality. You want a gritty gangster revenge flick, but instead you wait with fear in your eyes for a dressed-up Gatsby to pop around the corner in some lavish camera swoop. That's how "beautiful" Live By Night is, unfortunately, in this case. It does have a flair for pictorial composition, it’s well-acted with few exceptions, with some great roles given damn little space (Gleeson, Cooper). Unfortunately, thematically, it's a film that's not supposed to be so fancy, especially when right at the beginning you get a lively action set-piece like in Public Enemies. It is, after all, a gritty story from a harsh and unforgiving time, and not a poster-boy reminiscence of the golden 1930s. And that's exactly the point where Affleck screwed up, hand in hand with the script. He shows the twenties with poetics, in a haze of nostalgia that doesn’t fit. It called for shady businesses, down-to-earth characters, period hits and dirty streets, exactly how we like it in other films. Still, Affleck has a talent for directing and he can act, but hopefully, he will no longer write scripts. ()


todas as críticas do utilizador

inglês Somewhere in there is a good film. Somewhere in the background, somewhere in the editing room. It's an hour longer, looks just as good and beautiful as what we got in the cinema, but besides those nice visuals, there are also functioning relationships between the characters and it has a story that doesn't rush anywhere and you can enjoy and have fun with it. Unfortunately, we got in the cinema evidently suffers from being brutally cut. Live by Night senselessly rushes forward, and instead of a modern gangster saga, we have twenty-minute episodes about dealing with mafia competition in Florida, then with the Ku Klux Klan, then with religious fanatics, and then it all ends. I felt like someone had played me a six-hour miniseries cut down to feature length, and I wasn't thrilled about it. ()

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