
Ella, uma jovem cujo pai comerciante se casa novamente após a trágica morte de sua mãe, acolhe em casa a sua madrasta, Lady Tremaine, e as suas duas filhas, Anastasia e Drisella. Tragicamente o seu pai desaparece e Ella fica entregue à sua nova família, ciumenta e cruel, que a a trata como uma serva. Mas apesar de tudo, Ella está determinada a honrar as últimas palavras de sua mãe, sendo corajosa e gentil... mas eis que um jovem que conhecera na floresta, por quem se apaixonara, é afinal um príncipe e não um funcionário do palácio, como Ella acreditara. A oportunidade de reencontrar a sua alma gémea surge quando se prepara um baile no palácio para o qual são convocadas todas as jovens donzelas, mas a sua madrasta e irmãs de tudo farão para o impedir... (NOS Lusomundo Audiovisuais)


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Críticas (7)


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inglês I'm getting pretty fed up with the overabundance of various Cinderellas that spring at me every Christmas, but I decided to find out where the British and American filmmakers went wrong in order to tear them apart in my review. Well, go figure! The film may not be a miracle, but Cate Blanchett as the stepmother was casting such icy stares that I would have handed her my wallet in a heartbeat and even thanked her for it. I was genuinely surprised at how decently entertained I was by a fairy tale for which I had such low expectations. ()


todas as críticas do utilizador

inglês There is only one Cinderella story and that is great. Kenneth Branagh is an extraordinary director though, so he managed to create a great fairy tale without a flaw. The best is the amazing visual part of the film, which is a joy to watch. If I should rate the various Cinderella adaptations, then this would be my first choice right after our Czech Cinderella movie. ()



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inglês If someone ever asked me what Walt Disney's classic Cinderella looks like, which I haven't seen yet, I would answer that it's just like this version by Kenneth Branagh, but in animated format, because that's how I imagine it. To many, this latest film adaptation may come across as a cheesy and infantile piece, a silly and colourfully overstuffed version of the famous fairy tale, but I really liked the look. So I was left to ride on the innocent relationship between Ella and the prince and the highly stylized visuals, which stood out most in the sets and costumes, which were a joy to look at. And I have to say that the small role for Helena Bonham Carter as the Fairy Godmother was great and incredibly funny. A gorgeous and flamboyant fairy tale feast for the eyes that was truly worth going to the cinema for. ()


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inglês Perhaps a slightly underrated project that nobody really trusted in this day and age, after almost all the juice had been squeezed out of the subject matter by filmmakers from all over the world, but one where everything is exactly in place, beautifully directed and superbly acted, especially in relation to the original Disney cartoon to which it refers. The entire beautiful fairytale structure is magically supported by a perfect soundtrack and decent visual effects used in the right measure, which, by the way, are responsible for probably the funniest sequence of all Cinderella films ever. Proper work, where humour is a bit scarce, but from the first seconds it grabs your heart and doesn't let go... 85% ()


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inglês Whatever the original animated Cinderella lacked, this live-action one has. Beautiful. One does not know what to praise first. Cunning scriptwriters who made do with a notoriously familiar story, which they developed, added to and explained with feeling a few times? The graceful and naturally beautiful Lily James? The charismatic Richard Madden, the perfect Cate Blanchett or the literally charming Helena Bonham Carter? The sensitive direction by Kenneth Branagh, who can shoot any scene in such a way that it affects people exactly as it should? Patrick Doyle and his beautiful music? The hundreds of breathtaking costumes and decorations? I really don't know. But what I do know is that I simply loved this Cinderella and I will happily watch it again and again. Particularly the ball scene is the best of all, which makes you feel like you're dancing too. Really. ()

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