Mães Precisam-se... em Marte

  • Brasil Marte Precisa de Mães (mais)
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Take out the trash, eat your broccoli - who needs moms anyway? Nine-year-old Milo (Seth Green) finds out just how much he needs his mom (Joan Cusack) when she's nabbed by Martians who plan to steal her "mom-ness" for their own young. Milo's quest to save his mom involves stowing away on a spaceship, navigating an elaborate, multi-level planet and taking on the alien nation and their leader (Mindy Sterling). With the help of a tech-savvy, underground earthman named Gribble (Dan Fogler) and a rebellious Martian girl called Ki (Elisabeth Harnois), Milo just might find his way back to his mom - in more ways than one. (texto oficial do distribuidor)


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Trailer 1

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inglês So I was wondering what's wrong with an animated sci-fi movie that takes us to Mars. I already knew in advance that "Mom Among Martians" is a commercial failure, apparently the biggest one that Disney has been responsible for so far. So I watched a fairly short film and wanted to find out why. The simple answer is that there are a few factors. The first one is the fact that motion capture technology is used. Actors play their roles so that their movements can be transferred to a computer, where a digital texture is applied to them and an animated film is created. Well, I simplified it a bit, but that's the essence of it. What's wrong with the film is the fact that there is nothing cute here for little kids to enjoy. With motion capture technology and the animation used, everything looks somewhat... ugly. But it's not just the animation, it's also the silly story that throws a simple plot at us at the beginning, but doesn't really develop it much. The film is actually about not upsetting mothers because they love us and we love them. If we say something mean to them, it could backfire on us. That's basically the moral lesson that adults understand and children... well, they understand it too. The only ones who could learn from it are teenagers, for whom the film is definitely not. The film takes place mostly on Mars at a base, where the sci-fi elements are not very cleverly done. Martians are not nice to look at and seem to be inspired by another not so terrible Disney flop, "John Carter". In the end, there is a small drama that must end well, the family is celebrated - the foundation of the planet? - and everything ends well. The effects are not enough. Cameron and his "Avatar" managed with great visual effects, but not everyone can sell such a simple story so well. "Mom Among Martians" suffered for it. Disney should take a little more inspiration from Pixar and focus more on the story. More: http://www.filmovy-denik.cz/2012/07/happy-feet-2-bobr-cislo-4-musketyri.html ()


todas as críticas do utilizador

inglês I could forgive a slightly slapdash script, but isn't good animation a requirement these days? I guess not... because I certainly can't praise it here. The mom in particular was not good at all. This film is lacking in wit, color, and originality. A great waste of an idea. Not even John Powell's great music can bring this to life. 2.5 stars. ()


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