
An action-comedy centered on a fugitive couple (Cruise and Diaz) on a glamorous and sometimes deadly adventure where nothing and no one – even themselves – are what they seem. Amid shifting alliances and unexpected betrayals, they race across the globe, with their survival ultimately hinging on the battle of truth vs. trust. (texto oficial do distribuidor)


Vídeos (15)

Trailer 2

Críticas (10)


todas as críticas do utilizador

português Poderia ter sido um sucesso nos anos 90. Hoje, parece um filme do qual Mr. & Mrs. Smith é um remake refrescante (e não só porque o duo também o faz nele). Mangold lida com o ritmo, a ação e pode trabalhar bem os atores, mas ele é antiquado para o género. ()


todas as críticas do utilizador

inglês Undemanding entertainment that relies on Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz. Cruise has played a decent number of similar invulnerable and indestructible agents, and here he can take advantage of his acting routine and audience expectations. Similarly, Cameron Diaz has played countless similar naive characters in her career. My problem with these types of films is that they are desperately predictable and have a terribly formulaic and simple script. In the airplane scene, Cruise takes down ten opponents without breaking a sweat, but the audience knows very well that if the plane were fully occupied and he faced 150 enemy agents, the outcome would inevitably be the same. A few decent lines and two or three interesting scenes where the story momentarily deviates from the template, like the scene where our hero shoots his enemy in the leg, can't save it. Knight and Day is exactly the kind of film where a fraction of a second after a new character appears, you can identify them as the main villain, even though this "surprise" is saved for the end by the screenwriter. Overall impression: 40%. ()



todas as críticas do utilizador

inglês These two are absolutely wrong for each other, plus I find her extremely unlikable (but honestly I wasn't paying attention, so I didn't look at her cute little face that much). He's also not high on my list of cute guys. But as a movie where you don't need an IQ higher than 70, it held up beautifully. I had fun, it flew by, it dispensed with the emotional garbage. I'd say the film is a decent representative in its category – I don't want to think too much, I want to be entertained and have a good meal. ()


todas as críticas do utilizador

inglês It’s all boom, bang, and zoom, and a middle-aged Barbie and a middle-aged Ken are all mwah, mwah. And all this happens quite stylishly, in 90s trappings and with the excellent idea of watching everything from June's point of view and not Roy's. It's just a shame about the great imbalance between the scenes and about Cruise. It’s not that he's not bad, but Ben Stiller would have been better for the role. ()


todas as críticas do utilizador

inglês A perfect echo of the 1990s and the definition of a "summer film." The plot is from the ranks of primitive, overdone action scenes and most importantly a functioning central duo. Cruise plays himself, so he’s entertaining in the right way in the light-hearted atmosphere, and Diaz proves that playing a naive whiny blonde is not all that easy. It's too bad that it’s so predictable, or the feeling you get that the film won't surprise you with anything. This is John Powell's best music since The Bourne Ultimatum. 3 ½. ()

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