
Ryan Bingham (George Clooney) passa a maior parte dos seus dias a viajar pelo país e a despedir pessoas; é contratado por patrões que não têm coragem para fazerem eles próprios os seus despedimentos. A sua vida de voos constantes convém-lhe - não quer ligações. Mas duas coisas ameaçam subitamente o seu mundo selado a vácuo: a sua empresa decide fazer despedimentos via videoconferência para não terem de pagar viagens e Bingham conhece uma mulher chamada Alex (Vera Farmiga), que parece ser a sua versão feminina... e, claro, ele começa a apaixonar-se. (HBO Portugal)


Vídeos (4)

Trailer 2

Críticas (13)


todas as críticas do utilizador

inglês Up in the Air is both a bitter and somewhat cynical romance, as well as a psychological exploration of the thinking of today's American middle class, and last but not least, a drama about the collapse of the infamous American dream in the style of American Beauty. I would be cautious about classifying the film as a comedy because anyone who approaches this film as light entertainment will inevitably be disappointed. If there are comedic tones in the film, they mostly arise from the absurdity and contrasts of what is seen. The only moment when the movie theater warmly laughed was the situation where a young employee and a manager, who is a few years older with many failed relationships, describe their requirements for a partner. It is the story of a seasoned employee of a company specializing in laying off redundant employees of American companies. The protagonist is convincingly and brilliantly played by George Clooney, who can rely on similarly excellent performances from his co-stars. Vera Farmiga surprised me as his mistress. The film is certainly not flawless, as it has a slightly fluctuating pace, the musical motifs have a somewhat intrusive sentimental character, and above all, Jason Reitman lacks the courage to completely dismantle the American myth. This is especially evident in the reconciliatory ending and the testimonies of those laid off on camera, where hope emerges. Perhaps it needed about 10-15% of the audacity and uncompromisingness of Michael Moore. On the other hand, how many similarly significant sincere testimonies can we find in the film world? Overall impression: 90%. By the way, I kind of expected that ending of the romance, something similar happened to me... ()


todas as críticas do utilizador

inglês The same old story. Reitman makes one movie after another, but he just can’t achieve the quality of his shorts. And here it is even worse because the entire time I couldn’t shake off the feeling that this is an Americanized variation (and I don’t mean that pejoratively, just it’s been adapted to the American way of life, the mood in society etc.) on last year’s Japanese Oscar winner. Unfortunately I get the feeling from this that it isn’t nearly as sincere as intentional, criminally dry and almost too “serious". ()



todas as críticas do utilizador

inglês It flies by like an airplane, leaving behind a condensing steam of nice phrases, textbook truths, and encouraging statements. All we need is for Clooney to raise his eyebrows and the world seems to be a kind place where even the biggest loss has its positive aspects. However, like the hero Ryan, above all Reitman's film gives the viewer a treated motivational pat – I was not offended in any way, but truth be told, I also checked out. ()


todas as críticas do utilizador

inglês When odes to Juno were being sung, I hung silently at the back. But when praises for Up in the Air were sung, I had to be heard from the front rows. George Clooney showcases his most natural side a good couple of years, Jason Reitman's script elevates the concept of "life truth", and that treacherously realistic ending still doesn't let me sleep. The overall impression draws you in so comprehensively that neither side can boo: lovers of people with a pleasant everyday feeling of a warmed home will have their share, as will the chronic travelers who may become unsure whether it really makes sense to start returning somewhere. Calm, intelligently warm certainty. ()


todas as críticas do utilizador

inglês A very charismatic movie about an even more charismatic guy who fires people from their jobs. He calls things by their real names, does exactly what he's supposed to do, and handles every (verbal) situation gallantly. I really like movies about people who have something in their heads... Plus I found the plot very original, no clichés. Really thought out. George Clooney, once again I applaud you! ()

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