
Dr. Susan Wheeler (Genevieve Bujold) suspects her colleagues of foul play when her closest friend lapses into a coma following a routine operation. When Wheeler discovers a suspiciously frequent pattern of unexplained comas in her hospital, she becomes obsessed with finding an answer, even when it puts her own career and life in danger. Her lover, Dr. Bellows (Michael Douglas), admits there is a mystery but doubts there is a conspiracy and even suspects Wheeler of suffering from a nervous breakdown. The tension builds as Wheeler's investigation leads her to a secret corporation specializing in organ transplant experimentation and sale for profit, and she soon witnesses the defining image of the film: comatose bodies suspended on wires in a computer-controlled environment. (texto oficial do distribuidor)


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inglês A classic of mysterious conspiracies. Nothing groundbreaking or shocking, just a very well made hospital thriller with a good cast and a fair portion of tension (being followed by the killer or the security guard in the hospital corridors). Unfortunately, the “main” villain is very soon and easily revealed – for anyone who has ever seen similar thrillers. 70% ()


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inglês The American movie Coma has a wonderful atmosphere that builds up and gets more intense throughout the course of the movie. The viewers can not be sure what is really going on and what the problem is until after some time. Then, the paranoia sets in, and they can not be sure which one of the characters they can trust anymore. This atmosphere and suspense permeate the movie until the end. Then you finally get the ending you have been almost itching for. Plus, you get the added bonus of Ed Harris and Tom Selleck in a couple of smaller roles. ()



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inglês Paranoia is just an alternative state of mind: this sentence applies to the thinking of the main character without exception. She exchanges peaceful functioning as a doctor in a respected hospital for inventing conspiracy theories and dabbling in the craft of private detectives. However, she soon becomes convinced of the truth of another maxim: just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not after you. I am usually distrustful of conspiracy theories and outright dismissive of those who present me with stories of this kind. But I must admit one thing - the film is made at a high level of craftsmanship, with a sense of atmosphere and careful dosing of tension. It is probably the imaginary peak of thematically related productions. Overall impression: 75%. ()


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inglês Boston Memorial Hospital has quite a problem with patients in comatose states, and I can’t say I’m surprised. Paranoia thrived in American thrillers of the '70s, and Crichton was right in the middle of it. First, there’s the private investigation in a slightly misogynistic environment, and then a shift to the realm of sci-fi and life-or-death struggles, where Goldsmith and the brutalist building of the regional Xerox headquarters in Lexington, MA (at that time Jefferson's nursery institute) can finally break free. It’s no wonder people became a little more scared of hospitals after this, leading them to remove the number 8 from the doors of operating rooms in response to patient complaints. ()

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