The Royal Hotel

  • Reino Unido The Royal Hotel (mais)
Trailer 4

Streaming (1)


After running out of money while backpacking in a tiny, male-dominated town in the Australian outback, two friends - Liv (Jessica Henwick) and Hanna (Julia Garner) resort to a working holiday at the Royal Hotel. When the locals behavior starts crossing the line, the girls find themselves trapped in an unnerving situation that grows rapidly out of their control. (Mediumrare Entertainment)


Vídeos (3)

Trailer 4

Críticas (3)


todas as críticas do utilizador

português O filme navega o tempo todo em direção a uma violência desconfortável e a um thriller de sobrevivência ou a um horror com vingança de castração, mas acaba por se manter no chão e evitar esses géneros. Ao fazê-lo, nem sequer é um jogo psicológico sofisticado que possa ser descrito como arte anti-mainstream, brincando inteligentemente com as expectativas do público. [San Sebastian IFF] ()


todas as críticas do utilizador

inglês An enjoyable little drama/thriller with Australian rednecks. Two girlfriends take a job offer far from their home, somewhere in Australia, to go and help out in a pub to earn some extra cash, only to be confronted by rude locals, and the whole situation soon spirals out of control. Jessica Henwick and Julia Garner both play very well and Hugo Weaving as the pub landlord is also a delight, he is not a good example of a boss. Much of the film takes place in one pub where we watch the two protagonists' demanding shift and some sexual innuendo from the locals (Dolly was probably the best, he appeared the most psychopathic), but for my taste the film is kept too much in check, it is too light, it could have gone to much greater extremes. It doesn't really start to feel like a thriller until the final 15 minutes, where the atmosphere thickens slightly (but again the film could have easily gone into hixploitation with the rednecks). I have worked in a pub so I didn't find it that out of the ordinary, but the film passes quickly, not significantly boring. As a one off it's ok but with a better director wilder things could have happened. 6/10 ()



todas as críticas do utilizador

inglês San Sebastian Film Festival: Film Number 13. What started with the slow Rosalie ended with the frantic The Royal Hotel. My last film at the festival ran briskly from start to finish, and even though the overwhelming majority of the running time was focused on one spit-covered bar, where people drank recklessly and talked lewdly, I can't say I was bored. Of course, this could have resulted in a completely different film, or an even crazier one; but Kitty Green has the right to interpret it her way and either you like it or you don't. For my part, I liked it; though I would have interpreted it quite differently, especially the last 15 minutes. ()

Galeria (15)